"This session details work done at the University of Pennsylvania to incorporate Amazon Glacier as a third-copy backup storage location for objects in our repository using a series of components that were developed as generalized tools that can be integrated into any Ruby-based application to manage object copies in Glacier.
This session will cover:
Fundamental concepts of managing repository objects as Glacier archives
Best practices followed at Penn Libraries for efficient, affordable transfer and retrieval interactions with Glacier
Demonstration of Penn's workflow for running synchronous transfer of objects to Glacier using guardian, a set of Ruby scripts serving as the orchestration layer (https://github.com/upenn-libraries/guardian)
A report on the reusability of these components to quickly develop Ruby-based integrations with Amazon Glacier in other applications
Challenges faced while integrating asynchronous storage with our Samvera repository
Considerations for developing a disaster recovery plan dealing with large-scale data loss and recovery"
"This session details work done at the University of Pennsylvania to incorporate Amazon Glacier as a third-copy backup storage location for objects in our repository using a series of components that were developed as generalized tools that can be integrated into any Ruby-based application to manage object copies in Glacier.
This session will cover:
Kate Lynch katherly@upenn.edu