samvera / hydra-works

A ruby gem implementation of the PCDM Works domain model based on the Samvera software stack
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fileset #in_works method always returns [] #301

Open elrayle opened 8 years ago

elrayle commented 8 years ago


When a fileset is in a work, calling method #in_works does not return the work.

Expected Results

in_works should return the work in an array

Actual Results

in_works returns an empty array

To reproduce

w1 = 'w-1')
fs1 = 'fs-1')
w1.members << fs1

fs1.in_works  # => []
fs1.in_works  # => []

NOTE: If you create a collection and add w1 as a member, w1.in_collections will return an empty array until the collection is saved. In the code to reproduce, w1 is saved after putting fs1 into its member list.

awead commented 8 years ago

calling .ordered_members instead of .members fixes this. I'm not sure what the expectation is of the members method, but the tests indicated that ordered_members is the method to use:

elrayle commented 8 years ago

Is .ordered_members the preferred method that should be encouraged over .members?

There are inconsistencies in the functioning of the in_* methods.

Examples assume c1, c2 are collections w1, w2 are works fs1 is fileset c1 and w1 are empty at the start of each set of statements

w1.members << fs1
fs1.in_works   # => []

w1.ordered_members << fs1
fs1.in_works   # =>    #<Work id: "w1" ... >

w1.members << w2
w2.in_works   # => []

w1.ordered_members << w2
w2.in_works   # =>   #<Work id: "w1" ... >

c1.members << c2
c2.in_collections   # =>    #<Collection id: "c1" ... >

c1.ordered_members << c2
c2.in_collections   # =>   #<Collection id: "c1" ... >

Why wouldn't the in_works and in_collections methods return all containing works and collections, respectively, whether the contained item was added with .members or .orderedmembers?

I would expect...

w1.members << w3
w2.ordered_members << w3
w3.in_works    # => #<Work id: "w1" ... >, #<Work id: "w2" ... >
awead commented 8 years ago

I would be in favor of deprecating the members method altogether since all members are ordered by default.

tpendragon commented 8 years ago

I would be in favor of deprecating the members method altogether since all members are ordered by default.

Not for collections. Ordering's moderately expensive, so when it's not needed it's important to have that option.

in_works and #in_collections should probably work off members instead of ordered_members.

elrayle commented 8 years ago

It makes sense for #in_works and #in_collections to use members instead of ordered_members. When going from the contained to the containing items, order is not important.