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Design inspiration for improved UI for presenting embargo/lease options #1464

Open bnhowell opened 7 years ago

bnhowell commented 7 years ago

Descriptive summary

Working on an institutional repository Deep Blue Data at the University of Michigan and saw this ticket mentioning embargo UI for Hyrax. Wanted to give a couple examples for possible UI alternatives/improvements that differ from radio button approach in Hyrax.

Figshare's embargo options: screen shot 2017-08-01 at 3 46 00 pm

Deep Blue Data embargo designs in the deposit process (in development): 1 confirm publish with additional options closed

2 confirm publish embargo options

3 confirm publish collaborator sharing settings

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mjgiarlo commented 7 years ago

Looks great! I'd invite the @samvera/hyrax-ui-ux-advisors to review and comment as well.

Thanks, @bnhowell.

ggeisler commented 7 years ago

I also like @bnhowell's mockup, but to figure out what might be actionable I think it might help if we can break down which aspects have relevance to Hyrax. I see three potential areas to consider:

The overall layout and presentation of things looks nice and clean. I'm not sure what we can borrow from that, however, since there are already existing patterns and structures in place in Hyrax. To present a consistent UI, any presentation patterns (e.g. table presentation) we might want to adopt from these mockups would mean updating the relevant UI elements throughout the application.

The embargo form elements. The mockup uses a different approach to setting the embargo period than is currently used in Hyrax. Specifically, it offers the user a choice of a defined embargo period or an expiration date. I believe Hyrax currently asks for a begin date and an end date. So, is this something we want to change? (I have no opinion on this myself, not knowing how different institutions actually use embargoes.)

The method of revealing the embargo form elements. The mockup uses an accordion approach to reveal the embargo form elements. Hyrax currently reveals the form elements when the radio button for embargo is selected. So the difference is effectively whether the user clicks an icon to reveal the form elements, or clicks the radio button. Is changing the reveal behavior from the radio button selection to a right-aligned icon something we want to do? (I personally think triggering a reveal by clicking a radio button is a little weird, but am on the fence about whether it is worth changing. We would need to change this in several areas of the app that present visibility options, depending on how many instances are reusing the same partial.)

newmanld commented 7 years ago

I think the work in #1030, in progress, is making strong improvements to the current approach to visibility and permissions settings. The mockups above show a different approach with possibilities that @ggeisler articulates. I'm unsure about the issue of timing given the significant work underway in #1030, or what kind of UX review and stakeholder involvement should be organized to determine whether we should move away from the current visibility panel method. It's good to recognize, I think, that this is an area that Hyrax implementers will continue to tweak and customize, and we should try not to have barriers to that in the code.