samvera / hyrax

Hyrax is a Ruby on Rails Engine built by the Samvera community. Hyrax provides a foundation for creating many different digital repository applications.
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Not all model types are saved to the Valkyrie Solr core #4756

Open elrayle opened 3 years ago

elrayle commented 3 years ago

Descriptive summary

When writing to Valkyrie's solr is enabled, not all model types that are saved through ActiveFedora to ActiveFedora managed solr core are also saved to the Valkyrie solr core.


Although some model types are ActiveFedora specific and are ok to not include in the Valkyrie solr core, any model type related to content should be saved in the Valkyrie solr core.

Expected behavior

Expected results when testing with seed data that creates 1 admin set, 9 collections, 5 Publication works, and 5 Release works each with 3 files.

has_model_ssim Count in AF solr core Count in Valkyrie solr core Different from Actual?
AdminSet 1 1 Actual has 0
Collection 9 9
Generic Work (work) 5 5
FileSet 15 15 Actual has 0
Hydra::AccessControls::Permission 228 - per Issue #4767, AF specific
Hydra::AccessControl 35 - per Issue #4767, AF specific
ActiveFedora::Aggregation::Proxy 30 -
ActiveFedora::IndirectContainer 19 -
ActiveFedora::DirectContainer 15 -
ActiveFedora::Aggregation::ListSource 5 -

Actual behavior

Actual results when testing with seed data that creates 1 admin set, 9 collections, 5 Publication works, and 5 Release works each with 3 files.

has_model_ssim Count in AF solr core Count in Valkyrie solr core
AdminSet 1 -
Collection 9 9
Generic Work (work) 5 5
FileSet 15 -
Hydra::AccessControls::Permission 228 -
Hydra::AccessControl 35 -
ActiveFedora::Aggregation::Proxy 30 -
ActiveFedora::IndirectContainer 19 -
ActiveFedora::DirectContainer 15 -
ActiveFedora::Aggregation::ListSource 5 -


Each solr doc type is addressed in a separate issue.

Model types that need solr doc for Valkyrie:

Model types that already have solr doc for Valkyrie:

Model types that are ActiveFedora specific and don't require a solr doc for Valkyrie:

Related work

Issue #4487 - Solr docs generated by ActiveFedora and Hyrax::ValkyrieWorkIndexer are not compatible

no-reply commented 3 years ago

it might be nice to tackle this with a more feature-oriented approach. do all of these solr documents stored by ActiveFedora get used in Hyrax? if so, what features do they support?

for some of these (e.g. ActiveFedora::IndirectContainer) there's no corresponding concept in Valkyrie. do we want to invent one to populate the index?

elrayle commented 3 years ago

My inclination is to make sure we have the ones we know are needed. Then when we test turning off ActiveFedora, see if anything breaks. But I'm not opposed to a more proactive analysis of how Hyrax uses the ones marked AF specific.