samvera / questioning_authority

Question your authorities
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Getty AAT not working as I expect/desire (may apply to all Getty?) #346

Open jrochkind opened 2 years ago

jrochkind commented 2 years ago

I am exploring using questioning_authority with the Getty AAT vocabulary, for a use case involving auto-complete on a staff metadata editing form.

I am finding that the Getty AAT vocabularly is not performing the way I expect it to to be suitable for that use case for us.

There is another long-open Getty related ticket at #84 , but it's not clear what the actual goals/problems of that ticket are, so I'm filing another one. But that ticket has useful links to Getty documentation and relevant listserv, and suggestions from a Getty developer of possible implementation improvements that may be relevant here.

For my uses:

Those are the main barriers, but as I investigate the code/implementation, other issues where it's not doing what I want but I'm not certain what other people would want/expect include:

The hard part is knowing what the desired outcome is. Does my sense of what it "should" do match what other people think? What parts of current implementation woudl be considered bugs vs working as intended, even if as intended is not what I personally want/need for my use case?

I could maybe find some time to PR improvements here, perhaps as part of a maintenance hours pledge. If it was clear what the consensus was on "correct behavior" or what the community expects.

It might be helpful to understand the most commonly used vocabularies in qa, to assume that they are not buggy but working as designed, and then try to make Getty AAT and/or other Getty work similarly to the popular ones? I am not sure if anyone is currently using Getty in production in a way that it works for their use cases, or if it's currently just buggy and un-used.

jrochkind commented 2 years ago

People in GH issues or commit history referring to Getty vocabs include: @jcoyne , @mbklein , @mikeapp , @kdid , @geekscruff , and @elrayle .

Are any of you currently using Getty vocabs in qa in deployed apps?

It would be helpful to have feedback from anyone currently using Getty vocabs via qa on whether AAT and other Getty vocabs are currently working as anyone expects/desires, or are currently broken/un-used; and then what behavior would be desired/acceptable, whether to make it usable or as improvements.

mbklein commented 2 years ago

We're not using Getty via QA; we access it via authoritex, our Elixir module inspired by (but not a direct port of) QA.