samvera / questioning_authority

Question your authorities
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Extracting `Qa.authority_for` #379

Open jeremyf opened 1 year ago

jeremyf commented 1 year ago

Extracting Qa.authority_for


Prior to this commit, we used different initialization logic for linked data authorities and non-linked data. Further, the initialization logic was locked away inside of a controller.

With this commit, we expose a method that provides consistent initialization logic; albeit with different returned classes that have slightly different implementation nuances. The application can then rely on that and we can share initialization logic across controllers and also expose a method that allows non-controller initialization to begin to follow the same logic pathway.

Where are the tests? The initializations are covered by controller tests, so I have chosen not to write new ones.

There is further work to do because LinkedData and non-LinkedData there are different signatures for find and search. Ideally, we would normalize the public facing implementation logic. However, this commit preserves backwards compatibility, simply introducing a new feature.

Introducing Qa::AuthorityWrapper


Prior to this commit, the returned value from Qa.authority_for was something that was inconsistent. Depending on the controller (or authority), the find and search would require different parameters.

With this commit, those nuances are encapsulated in their own methods. This begins to work towards a more foundational promise of questioning authority; namely that the end point that asked questions of QA didn't need to know which type of authority it was.

That promise was partially delivered at the routes level but this commit pushes that down to the internal API level.

As a bonus, and perhaps confusion, I've included the Qa::AuthorityRequestContext as an interface to help convey how one might provide a different (non-controller) context to instantiating and authority.

WIP Reworking authority request context


require context and update logic of fetch/search header methods


Adding a Qa::Authorities::Loc.type_for


Prior to this commit, we always assumed that each "find" would request from

With this commit, we use the "subauthority" to inform what the base URL is for the host. In some cases this is authorities and in others it's as the code indicates.

Hopefully works to close the following: