samvera / questioning_authority

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allow and build with Rails 7.1 #384

Closed jrochkind closed 8 months ago

jrochkind commented 8 months ago

This is failing older RAils that are not Rails 7.1 on CI. :(

This gem is basically unmaintained I think? Perhaps I will fork.

jrochkind commented 8 months ago

Fixed at least one pre-existing problem at #385 , rebasing

This now passes for me locally with Rails 7.1.1

jrochkind commented 8 months ago

OK, this is a weird failure.

 #  from /home/circleci/project/.internal_test_app/Gemfile:39
 #  -------------------------------------------
 #  # Windows does not include zoneinfo files, so bundle the tzinfo-data gem
 >  gem "tzinfo-data", platforms: %i[ windows jruby ]
 #  -------------------------------------------

[!] There was an error parsing `Gemfile`: `windows` is not a valid platform. The available options are: [:ruby, :ruby_18, :ruby_19, :ruby_20, :ruby_21, :ruby_22, :ruby_23, :ruby_24, :ruby_25, :ruby_26, :mri, :mri_18, :mri_19, :mri_20, :mri_21, :mri_22, :mri_23, :mri_24, :mri_25, :mri_26, :rbx, :truffleruby, :jruby, :jruby_18, :jruby_19, :mswin, :mswin_18, :mswin_19, :mswin_20, :mswin_21, :mswin_22, :mswin_23, :mswin_24, :mswin_25, :mswin_26, :mswin64, :mswin64_19, :mswin64_20, :mswin64_21, :mswin64_22, :mswin64_23, :mswin64_24, :mswin64_25, :mswin64_26, :mingw, :mingw_18, :mingw_19, :mingw_20, :mingw_21, :mingw_22, :mingw_23, :mingw_24, :mingw_25, :mingw_26, :x64_mingw, :x64_mingw_20, :x64_mingw_21, :x64_mingw_22, :x64_mingw_23, :x64_mingw_24, :x64_mingw_25, :x64_mingw_26]. Bundler cannot continue.

The engine-cart generated gem has "windows" as a platform... I think that actually just comes from rails new doesn't it? And then this version of bundler does not like it?

I think we have too old a version of bundler running in circleci for Rails 7.1-generated app...

OK, for platform windows we need at least bundler 2.3.22

We currently have 2.3.10. This is fixable in our circleci config.

Also we need less than bundler 2.4 at least in jobs where we are still testing with ruby 2.5! Latest bundler 2.3.x will work for now.

jrochkind commented 8 months ago

Including workaround for

jrochkind commented 8 months ago

Thank you @dlpierce !