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Add definitions for Fileset, Parent/Child works to glossary #344

Closed julesies closed 5 years ago

julesies commented 5 years ago

Descriptive summary of request

Prepping for a workshop for Samvera connect and notice we need definitions for Fileset and Parent/Child works in the glossary. I can write something up for review @chrisdaaz ??

chrisdaaz commented 5 years ago

@julesies yeah!

julesies commented 5 years ago

What do you think.......

Fileset: The container representing a single file uploaded to the repository. It is a set that holds the original uploaded file and any generated derivative files (e.g. thumbnails, full text, etc.).

Parent work: The higher-level work in a work to work relationship where there is at least one child work relationship established. Parents can have 1 or more child works. The same work can be a parent and a child.

Child work: The lower-level work in a work to work relationship. Children can have 1 or more parent works. The same work can be a parent and a child.

julesies commented 5 years ago

@elrayle does this look good to you? I used your def of fileset from the preso and added the parent/child stuff.