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Public website for version controlled Samvera documentation (mostly Hyrax)
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Documentation for "review submissions" and "embargoes and leases" for hyrax 3.x #437

Closed rjkati closed 2 years ago

rjkati commented 2 years ago

Adds documentation for reviewing submissions in Hyrax 3.x

Adds documentation for embargoes and leases in Hyrax 3.x

Modifies title and permalink metadata for Hyrax 3.x pages to change "Hyrax 3.0" naming to "Hyrax 3.x" as discussed in Hyrax Working Group standup

Addresses formatting issues

jlhardes commented 2 years ago

These content changes are helpful for Hyrax 3.x documentation and this PR adds the sections ("Managing Leases and Embargoes" and "Review Submissions") that were mentioned as missing in PR #436.