samvrlewis / afl-stats-database

Statistics database for Australia Rules Football (AFL) games
22 stars 7 forks source link

A quarter of games have no attendance listed #2

Open samvrlewis opened 9 years ago

jaypeedevlin commented 8 years ago

Hi Sam,

I was searching for some historical AFL stats and came across your repo - thanks for taking the time to put this together. I'm planning to submit some pull requests to the project if you're open to the contribution, and I was thinking the first could be to add the game attendance for those missing games.

I'll submit the PR in the next few days - let me know if you're happy to accept the PR or if there's any conventions you'd like me to follow.

samvrlewis commented 8 years ago

Hey Jay, by all means go for it. It'd be awesome for this project to get a bit more love.

If you're interested in contributing, one thing that I think would be fantastic to get done is to update the database (or even create a new one) using the stats from the website. It has a lot more stats and exposes a JSON API so it should be easier than scraping footywire, which I previously did.

I wrote some code a while back to start to do this but never finished it off. I've committed the latest version of the scraping code, I hope it still works but let me know if you have any trouble with it. I have a bit of spare time at the moment so let me know if you'd been keen to discuss or work through it together. :)


jaypeedevlin commented 9 months ago

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