sananth12 / ImageScraper

:scissors: High performance, multi-threaded image scraper
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Python 3 Environment required for development #90

Closed suhithr closed 8 years ago

suhithr commented 8 years ago

Need a python 3 environment to develop, due to many packages having different names in Python 2 and 3. Like the__builtin__ package. Please update the documentation.

ssundarraj commented 8 years ago

@suhithr I didn't quite understand what you meant. Can you please clarify?

suhithr commented 8 years ago

Building the file from source with a Python 2 interpreter is not possible, because some packages used only exist in Python 3. For example in the call is from builtins import range. To call this package in Python 2 we must call from __builtin__ import range. This is because the __builtin__ module was renamed to builtins in Python 3. Check this link

ssundarraj commented 8 years ago

By build you mean install the package?

suhithr commented 8 years ago

Build from source is what I was referring to, such as python3 install. Installing from pip works even without Python 3.

ssundarraj commented 8 years ago

It's working for me using Python 2 as well.

suhithr commented 8 years ago

Closing because it worked for me as well, I'm not sure if it has anything to do with installing it after installing Python 3