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Vivaldi not opening PDFs when sandboxed (since 5.2) #1783

Closed OrangeDancer closed 1 year ago

OrangeDancer commented 2 years ago

What happened?

Vivaldi : version 5.2.2623.26 (Stable channel) (64-bit) Windows 10 : Windows 10 Version 21H1 (Build 19043.1586)

Sandboxie Classic : 5.55.15

Recent versions of Vivaldi will not open online PDFs ... for example

What results is an empty dark screen where the text should be. Outside Sandboxie PDF's are opened correctly. I can't rewind to an earlier version of Vivaldi as I keep getting force fed the latest version via automatic updates that I can't seem to turn off ... that is another problem but one I can live with.

I notice some months ago another poster reported a similar problem that was resolved with an update to SB. Hope someone can help. All the best.

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Not relevant

To Reproduce

No response

Expected behavior


What is your Windows edition and version?


In which Windows account you have this problem?

Not relevant to my request.

Please mention any installed security software


What version of Sandboxie are you running?


Is it a regression?

No response

List of affected browsers

No response

In which sandbox type you have this problem?

I only reproduced it with Sandboxie Classic.

Where is the program located?

Not relevant to my request.

Can you reproduce this problem on an empty sandbox?

Not relevant to my request.

Did you previously enable some security policy settings outside Sandboxie?

No response

Crash dump

No response

Trace log

No response

Sandboxie.ini configuration

No response

isaak654 commented 2 years ago

I can confirm the Vivaldi issue also with Plus 1.0.17 (reproduced with any online PDF file): immagine

Note: It looks the same as the old #930 issue.

At that time, it was fixed with this code (no longer working for recent Vivaldi builds):


You may not want to ditch the old fix altogether.

DavidXanatos commented 2 years ago

to my understanding this is an issue with new vivaldi not somethign that got broken in sandboxie so its not a regression

isaak654 commented 2 years ago

A third-party regression is still a regression imho.

DavidXanatos commented 2 years ago

This seams as far as I see some wired screw up in vivaldi's hooking mechanism. they hook NtCreateSection, but somehow their trampoline pointer ends up pointing to out RegisterClassW detour and than everything is thoroughly screwed.

Is this bug only present in Vivaldi and other chromium based browsers using the same or later chromium version work fine? If yet, I would actually raise the issue with them.

DavidXanatos commented 2 years ago

PS: to me a regression is something that I broke, if someone else broke it its not a regression of sandboxie.

isaak654 commented 2 years ago

Is this bug only present in Vivaldi and other chromium based browsers using the same or later chromium version work fine?

The latest Brave 1.37.116 based on Chromium 100.0.4896.127 works fine, so this is a specific Vivaldi regression. I would suggest to all Vivaldi users that use Sandboxie to open a new bug report there:

PS: to me a regression is something that I broke, if someone else broke it its not a regression of sandboxie.

Therefore, I guess you might be interested to create another "Third-party regression" label to highlight that distinction. That would also help in tracking all third-party regressions or conflicts at once, otherwise it could be used the "Known issue" label.

DavidXanatos commented 2 years ago

As a workaround for now you can use the advanced option to disable window renaming, this makes the problematic hook not being applied. Also the next build will contain a hardcoded workaround for vivaldi.exe it is not a proper fix but should make it work for now.

DavidXanatos commented 2 years ago

i created the new label incompatibility for such cases, Known issue i would reserve for more generic things, i.e. a fundamental issue that may affect more than one program

isaak654 commented 2 years ago

@OrangeDancer Did you open a new bug report at the Vivaldi support here? This issue may not solve itself, so it would be important to reach the involved third-party and keep this issue report updated accordingly.

History of #1783 (Vivaldi not opening PDFs when sandboxed) 2022-04-10 - First report posted [here]( with version details. 2022-04-16 - `UseVivaldiWorkaround` mitigation was applied by @DavidXanatos as default behavior in Sandboxie, but it presents known limitations like #1835 2022-06-12 - The [workaround code]( is still required with all SBIE versions including [Sandboxie-Plus-x64-v1.1.test2.exe](, because I tried to revert it with `UseVivaldiWorkaround=n` and the output is: `vivaldi.exe (1440): SBIE2224 Sandboxed program has crashed: vivaldi.exe`. Since the author of the issue has disappeared, I reported the bug myself to the Vivaldi team. 2022-06-21 - I didn't receive any news from the Vivaldi Team so far. ~If you want to stay up to date, you could try to get in touch with them by mentioning the original bug report VB-89933 as reference.~ 2022-07-23 - @offhub suggested a workaround that consists to uncheck the "Enable Internal PDF Viewer" option in Vivaldi while disabling the original Sandboxie workaround that doesn't allow to open a second instance: 2022-09-26 - I contacted a Vivaldi employee with a direct message through their Discord channel in order to receive further news. He replied that the bug report was closed for a generic reason of invalid data and that there was no way of knowing why. 2022-10-03 - In the absence of any further response on that closure, I agreed with him to open a new bug report, so the new Vivaldi bug report reference is VB-92029. On the same day, I received a reply from one of their developers and I replied back to show that this issue can't be reproduced with current stable versions of Chrome & Brave. dummy_sandobxed_PDF_Brave dummy_sandboxed_PDF_Chrome sandboxed_Vivaldi_grey 2022-10-04 - This is the second reply I received from the Vivaldi developer when I suggested the implication of the "Enable Internal PDF Viewer" Vivaldi setting: > I am not aware that we have made any changes to the default of the "plugins.always_open_pdf_externally" preference (which is false, meaning use the internal PDF viewer). > > One thing that you might want to check is how you handle the Chromium process spawning (you seem to do a bit of deep manipulation of process launches), since Chromium is spawning a lot of processes per tab. Additionally, Vivaldi's GUI is a HTML/Javascript document embedding the tabs, running in a separate process. It is conceivable that this adds more process spawning layers than your system expects. If there is a problem with multiple level spawning, such as for nested frames, you might see issues in other browsers, too, for such documents > > Your screenshots indicate that the GUI is still running, which suggests that any process problems happen in one of the child processes. You might want to log command lines for each process to see which one is failing. > > Note that you can use the standard Chromium logging command line arguments, and for debugging there is also "--disable-vivaldi" which will enable the standard Chromium GUI, and disable Vivaldi-specific code paths. This could help you look for internal logic differences. In this reply, it was implied that Vivaldi's GUI may need special treatment in Sandboxie, so @DavidXanatos may be interested to look again at this issue. 2022-10-06 - Third reply from the Vivaldi developer: > There is an archive of old builds at [1] > > Just in case, check whether you use the 32 or 64 bit versions, on Win64 the 64 bit version is recommended. > > Note that you can install multiple Vivaldi installs (including various versions) in parallel using the Standalone choice in the installer, in addition to the global for the user, or the system-wide one. Make sure you disable updates, unless you plan to enable that (each install with update runs its own update process). > > You can keep up to date about new snapshots at [2] > > --disable-vivaldi may not disable everything we changed, but it shuts off most of the places where we changed logic, which is needed for many of the unit tests to work. > > If you really want to dig deep, the source bundles are available at [3] ; they don't include the JS GUI code, but that can be copied into the proper location from a corresponding version. 2022-10-07 - In an internal test, the first Vivaldi build with this issue is [Vivaldi.5.2.2623.18.x64.exe](, while [Vivaldi.5.1.2567.73.x64.exe]( is the last good one. Before that, I had to set a software restriction policy (SRP) in order to block the following path: `C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\Temp\VivaldiUpdate-*\*\*.exe` 2022-10-08 - A fix was provided in c60871d46c2eaefa4ab07194d856826e0f5f7e6b and 1e126403d0f86cc47c508841d333f53578e5bac2 - according to David, this is due to a compiler optimization flag in Vivaldi 2022-10-09 - I updated the Vivaldi Team by providing the Sandboxie commits above, this is the message I received in return: > In case you want to better locate the possible regression point: > > Last 5.2 snapshot release before Chromium 100: [1] > > First 5.2 Snapshot after Chromium 100 update: [2] This is the counter-reply from the Sandboxie lead developer: > I think they did not change the function stub knowingly, I think they changed a compiler Optimizer option to favor smaller binaries and that resulted in the binary representation of that function to change. the function must look like `NTSTATUS some_name { return 1; }` in the code and presumably is chrome original Counter-reply from the Vivaldi developer: > After a quick skim of diffs I am unable to see anything major related to linking or optimization on Windows between the two versions. > > The major differences I noticed are 1) The clang version was changed from 14 to 15, this includes a modified linker, 2) C++ version from C+17 to C+20. > > There was no change in Windows SDK version (that was done for Chromium 104) > > Regarding optimizing, as far as I am aware Chrome is built using PGO, Vivaldi isn't currently. That might cause some differences. Vivaldi is using the default Official Build optimization, which is level 2. > > Re NTSTATUS, I am not able to discover what that might refer to, since there are 4500+ occurrences of that word in the source code. I will need more details. Counter-reply from the Sandboxie lead developer: > they changed the compiler major version, of course it may generate a slightly different code. Counter-reply from the Vivaldi developer: > Just to be clear: The new compiler and C++ language versions were upstream changes from Chromium. Counter-reply from the Sandboxie lead developer: > hmm... then Chrome should have the same issue unless they are using a newer dev branch than what Chrome releases as stable Counter-reply from the Vivaldi developer: > Unfortunately, I have no real idea what could be causing such a difference. > > The project file changes we have made are usually just adding our extra files and targets. or Vivaldi specific defines and such. Compilation, optimization, and linking should be mostly the same, with the mentioned difference that Chrome (and possibly some of the other browsers are, too) are optimized using PGO (based on profiling the executable). > > In cases such as this, I would start looking carefully at what is done differently when launching Chrome.exe/dlls and when launching Vivaldi.exe/dlls (note the name difference). In particular, I'd try to disable everything done differently for Vivaldi (in this case, except the different exe/DLL names, if that determines anything), or that is not done for Chrome. > > IIRC there has been no mention about normal webpages not working, which probably means the firewall is not involved in the issue. > > However, unless I am mistaken, the PDF code involves a lot of interprocess communication using IPC/Mojo to/between the Renderer and/or GPU processes. Problems in these could crash processes. Given that the both the Vivaldi GUI and the PDF viewer background in the tab are displayed OK, and the tab is not showing a dead bird, I would guess that a background process crashed, and reporting the command line of that process, if you can, might suggest where things go wrong. Final reply from the Sandboxie lead developer: > we have found the change in the stub function, adapted our hooking code accordingly and this has resolved the issue, and for now no further action on either side is required
NotepadPlusUser commented 1 year ago

A short comment to say that my issue 1835 (Can't open second instance of Vivaldi in the same sandbox) disappeared a week or so ago. Presumably the various updates solved it, but I have no idea which one. I am now using: Windows Pro 64-bit 21H2 V10.0.19044.2132 Sandboxie 1.5.0 Vivaldi.5.5.2805.38 Thanks, DavidXanatos and isaak654.