sandboxie-plus / Sandboxie

Sandboxie Plus & Classic
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Custom sorting for the file panel #3580

Open bastik-1001 opened 5 months ago

bastik-1001 commented 5 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem or use case? asks about the sorting of the box content being reversed.

In Sandboxie-Plus 1.12.7 the order is files, then folders Z-A, for me. I remember that it was, folders A-Z, then files. I even recall it being possible to sort the files, by the other columns, but it might be just me remembering incorrectly. As I don't know if that ever worked before, I call this a feature request, instead of a bug.

Describe the solution you'd like

Being able to sort files, folders by clicking the header to change the order. Foremost just from A-Z and from Z-A. but also by the file type or the size.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Default sorting A-Z being the default for Sandboxie and Sandboxie-Plus.

Sandboxie-Plus (Sandman) being able to sort the files and folders.

DavidXanatos commented 4 months ago

I wil chek it out later today, but i rememebr there being issues with restoring column sort order after some change the fix was to delete the column presets form the plus ini and and restarting sandman

bastik-1001 commented 2 months ago

I had tried with some colums, but it did not do anything. While I was not sure, which lines were required to be removed, I asumed that I did not remove the correct lines. Now, even when I remove all lines, the sorting is Z-A and it can not be toggled. (Right now, I have my restorted settings.)

offhub commented 2 months ago

Delete the line FileTree_Columns and restart SandMan.


bastik-1001 commented 2 months ago

I tried that again, and maybe my fault was, not ensuring that Sandman had been closed, before removing lines, as I had removed that line (and others), but I can not rule out that it had been updated by Sandman, after me removing the line. Now it worked, with me terminating Sandman.exe and then removing the line, saving the ini and opening Sandman again. (It should have worked before, as I removed all entries and the UI looked different, but nevertheless it's working.)

bastik-1001 commented 2 months ago

Maybe, there is something that is causing this, so it can be resolved by fixing it. If it is common, it can be part of the troubleshooting wizard, if it can act for the user in this case.