Let's get started with the main text entry section in review. I wager first you'd have to create a React component for review sections, and then add in more components for the text entry fields.
Also, for now, let's not worry too much about getting it connected to the back end.
EPIC: #3
See the Figma file here: https://www.figma.com/file/YPT3Wi0EVi9rxYmObF6cC4/UI-Designs?type=design&node-id=1%3A5&mode=design&t=CFd3vSod9XDjEN94-1 (note that this is a wireframe so fields are not finalized, and there's no color. Be sure to use dev ready v4!)
Let's get started with the main text entry section in review. I wager first you'd have to create a React component for review sections, and then add in more components for the text entry fields.
Also, for now, let's not worry too much about getting it connected to the back end.