Closed Btje1977 closed 6 years ago
@Btje1977 please share a minimal sketch to reproduce, and what board/chip set you are using.
Hi. I'm trying to develop a bluetooth controlled automatic irrigation control. However, I have the same problem as Btje1977 ... when I call setTxPower there is no change in power. In my case I tried 2 generic Nrf51822 chips. Specifically, these 2 models: and I do not know if I misunderstood the setTxPower call method or missing something in my basic code: `
// define pins for nRF51822
static int state = 0; int counter = 0; int wateringPower = -12;
BLEPeripheral wateringdevice = BLEPeripheral(BLE_REQ, BLE_RDY, BLE_RST); BLEService irrigationService = BLEService("19b10000e8f2537e4f6cd104768a1214"); BLEDescriptor valvedescriptor = BLEDescriptor("2901", "valve state"); BLEIntCharacteristic switchstatevalve = BLEIntCharacteristic("19b10001e8f2537e4f6cd104768a1214", BLERead | BLEWrite); BLERemoteService remoteGenericAttributeService = BLERemoteService("1800"); BLERemoteCharacteristic remoteDeviceNameCharacteristic = BLERemoteCharacteristic("2a00", BLERead);
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600);
pinMode(pin_valve, OUTPUT); pinMode(pin_ledconnected, OUTPUT);
wateringdevice.setLocalName("wateringdevice 0001"); wateringdevice.setAdvertisedServiceUuid(irrigationService.uuid()); wateringdevice.setDeviceName("DevWaterx041"); wateringdevice.setAppearance(0x0080); wateringdevice.addRemoteAttribute(remoteGenericAttributeService); wateringdevice.addRemoteAttribute(remoteDeviceNameCharacteristic); wateringdevice.addAttribute(irrigationService); wateringdevice.addAttribute(switchstatevalve); wateringdevice.addAttribute(valvedescriptor); wateringdevice.begin(); wateringdevice.setTxPower(wateringPower); }
void loop() {
BLECentral central = wateringdevice.central(); if (central) { while (central.connected()) { digitalWrite(pin_ledconnected, HIGH); // central still connected to peripheral if (switchstatevalve.written()) { state = switchstatevalve.value(); } } } watering_control (); }
void watering_control() { digitalWrite(pin_ledconnected, LOW); switch (state) { case 0: digitalWrite(pin_valve, LOW); break; case 1: digitalWrite(pin_valve, HIGH); break; case 2: if (counter < 3) { digitalWrite(pin_valve, HIGH); delay (10000); digitalWrite(pin_valve, LOW); delay (20000); } else { digitalWrite(pin_valve, LOW); counter = 0; state = 0; } counter++; break; } } ` Where am I going wrong? Any help at all would be appreciated!
Sorry for the delay:
// Import libraries (BLEPeripheral depends on SPI)
// define pins (varies per shield/board)
boolean ledState=LOW;
// create peripheral instance, see pinouts above BLEPeripheral blePeripheral = BLEPeripheral(BLE_REQ, BLE_RDY, BLE_RST); // create service BLEService ledService = BLEService("19b10000e8f2537e4f6cd104768a1214"); // create switch characteristic BLECharCharacteristic switchCharacteristic = BLECharCharacteristic("19b10001e8f2537e4f6cd104768a1214", BLERead | BLEWrite);
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600);
// set LED pin to output mode pinMode(PIN_LED1,OUTPUT); pinMode(PIN_LED2,OUTPUT);
// set advertised local name blePeripheral.setLocalName("F1ST");
// blePeripheral.addAttribute(ledService); blePeripheral.addAttribute(switchCharacteristic);
// begin initialization blePeripheral.begin();
//Different settings blePeripheral.setTxPower(-10); blePeripheral.setDeviceName("ServoTimer");
void loop() {
//Bluetooth handeling BLECentral central = blePeripheral.central();
//Alive led
digitalWrite(PIN_LED1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PIN_LED1, LOW);
@Btje1977 what board are you using?
Closing for now due to lack of activity.
Hi, I am facing the same issue as above. The board that I am using is Generic nRF51822. I'm setting the Tx Power as -30 but still do not see any change being reflected. Any reason for that/
Thank you!
Hi, I am facing the same issue as above. The board that I am using is Generic nRF51822. I'm setting the Tx Power as -30 but still do not see any change being reflected. Any reason for that/
Thank you!
I am facing the same issue. If you were able to solve please comment.
Now it works! Solved! Check this issue
bool setTxPower(int txPower); was used and there is no change in power.