As the topic says, I want to create a bunch of wireless temperature sensors, which should send their data to server on my raspberry pi3.
Yesterday I started playing around with the serial example and managed to send the data of the DHT22 to the nRF Toolbox and the nRF UART app. Today I tried to write a simple python program using pybluez to receive my temperature data, but nothing I tried seems to work.
Maybe someone tried something similar and can explain me what I have to do to get my temperature data from my nRF51822 to my raspberry pi3.
As the topic says, I want to create a bunch of wireless temperature sensors, which should send their data to server on my raspberry pi3.
Yesterday I started playing around with the serial example and managed to send the data of the DHT22 to the nRF Toolbox and the nRF UART app. Today I tried to write a simple python program using pybluez to receive my temperature data, but nothing I tried seems to work.
Maybe someone tried something similar and can explain me what I have to do to get my temperature data from my nRF51822 to my raspberry pi3.