sandeepmistry / arduino-BLEPeripheral

An Arduino library for creating custom BLE peripherals with Nordic Semiconductor's nRF8001 or nR51822.
MIT License
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Add support for the Simblee-Board #211

Open PaulBrandt opened 6 years ago

PaulBrandt commented 6 years ago

I made several tests with different S110 Headers and finally when using the S110 V8 Headers it did not only compile but also tests ran successfully on the Simblee. It is tested with a Simblee running the ANCS-Example. I still have a few questions about the changes in nRF51822.cpp and will ask them in the following days. (See defines at the top of the File)

PaulBrandt commented 6 years ago

So basically what is still a bit confusing to me is the nRF51822.cpp file. In order to make everything compile with the S110 V8 Headers I had to use the following defines: `

define NRF5

define S110

` Is this and the effects this causes actually correct?

PaulBrandt commented 6 years ago

The reason I am asking this stuff is, the ANCS Example runs and I see the Device using my iphone, but when the iphone Messagebox wether I want to pair the devices and I klick yes, the device disconnects and crashes?

Here is a log I created. version = 7 89 100 Start advertisement BLE Peripheral - ANCS Evt Connected 65:50:9c:d0:a7:0a Connected event, central: 65:50:9c:d0:a7:0a Evt Prim Srvc Disc Rsp 0x0 Evt Prim Srvc Disc Rsp 0x0 Evt Prim Srvc Disc Rsp 0x0 Evt Prim Srvc Disc Rsp 0x0 Evt Prim Srvc Disc Rsp 0x0 Evt Prim Srvc Disc Rsp 0x0 Evt Prim Srvc Disc Rsp 0x10A Evt Write, handle = 11 02 00 Evt Char Disc Rsp 0x0 Evt Char Disc Rsp 0x0 Evt Char Disc Rsp 0x0 Evt Char Disc Rsp 0x10A Remote services discovered event, central: 65:50:9c:d0:a7:0a Evt Write Rsp 0x105 41 Evt Sec Params Request 1 0 4 0 0 16 [This is the moment where the iphone asks about pairing. Next line (Evt) shows when I click yes. Nothing happens afterwards] Evt

sandeepmistry commented 6 years ago

The reason I am asking this stuff is, the ANCS Example runs and I see the Device using my iphone, but when the iphone Messagebox wether I want to pair the devices and I klick yes, the device disconnects and crashes?

Could be cause be incorrect soft device headers or BLE bond store things failing or corrupting flash page. Do the non-bonding/pairing related examples work?