sandeepmistry / arduino-BLEPeripheral

An Arduino library for creating custom BLE peripherals with Nordic Semiconductor's nRF8001 or nR51822.
MIT License
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Unable to upload sketch after updating #219

Closed jemertz closed 6 years ago

jemertz commented 6 years ago

I updated the boards list to 0.4.0. Now uploading any sketch, even a blank one, generates the following messages:

Board nRF52DK (platform nRF5, package sandeepmistry) is unknown

Error compiling for board Nordic Semiconductor nRF52 DK.

I have restarted the Arduino IDE and attempted uploading multiple sketches. I have downgraded the boards package to 0.3.0 and am still receiving the same error. Please advise.

jemertz commented 6 years ago

I was able to get this resolved by removing and reinstalling the package.