sandeepmistry / arduino-BLEPeripheral

An Arduino library for creating custom BLE peripherals with Nordic Semiconductor's nRF8001 or nR51822.
MIT License
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blePeripheral.begin() not executing. #269

Open JMAC4790 opened 4 years ago

JMAC4790 commented 4 years ago

I'm using an nrf8001 module from adafruit to send pressure readings to a device using ble. I'm having an issue getting the code to execute the blePeripheral.begin(); line. I've included the code and the warnings/errors im receiving when verifying the code. Any help in rectifying this issue is appreciated as I can't work it out.





define BLE_REQ 10

define BLE_RDY 2

define BLE_RST 9

BLEPeripheral blePeripheral = BLEPeripheral(BLE_REQ,BLE_RDY,BLE_RST); BLEService service = BLEService("CCC0");

BLECharacteristic characteristic = BLEFixedLengthCharacteristic("CCC1", BLERead | BLENotify,12);

unsigned long previousMillis = millis(); //Stores the last time sensor was read unsigned long interval = 1000; //Interval between sensor readings

void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println(service.uuid()); Serial.println(characteristic.uuid()); Serial.println(F("Bluetooth Low Energy Sensor Reader"));

blePeripheral.setLocalName("Pressure Reader");
blePeripheral.setDeviceName("Pressure Reader");

Serial.println(F("Local name and device name set to Pressure Reader"));

blePeripheral.setAdvertisedServiceUuid(service.uuid()); blePeripheral.addAttribute(service);


Serial.println("1234"); void clearData(); blePeripheral.begin(); Serial.println("blePeripheral.begin() worked"); } void loop() { blePeripheral.poll();

if (millis() - previousMillis >= interval) { pollSensors(); previousMillis = millis(); } } void pollSensors() { union { float f; byte bytes[4]; } floatUnion;

union { float f; byte bytes[4]; } floatUnion2;

union { float f; byte bytes[4]; } floatUnion3;

float voltage1 = analogRead(A0); float pressure1 = voltage1*5/1023; //Change for correct calibration

floatUnion.f = pressure1;

float voltage2 = analogRead(A0); float pressure2 = voltage225/1023; //Change for correct calibration

floatUnion2.f = pressure2;

float voltage3 = analogRead(A0); float pressure3 = voltage335/1023; //Change for correct calibration

floatUnion3.f = pressure3;

char byteArr[12];

int ii = 0; for(ii= 0 ; ii < 12 ; ii ++ ){ if(ii<4){ //pressure1 byteArr[ii] = floatUnion.bytes[ii]; }else if((ii>=4)&&(ii<8)){ //pressure2 byteArr[ii] = floatUnion2.bytes[ii-4]; }else if((ii>=8)&&(ii<12)){ //pressure3 byteArr[ii] = floatUnion3.bytes[ii-8]; } } characteristic.setValue(byteArr); Serial.print(F("Pressure 1: ")); Serial.println(pressure1); Serial.println(pressure2); Serial.println(pressure3);


Warning/Error messages

`C:\Users\joshm\Documents\Arduino\libraries\arduino_958432\src/utility/hal_aci_tl.h:86:3: note: type 'struct aci_pins_t' should match type 'struct aci_pins_t' that itself violate one definition rule

} aci_pins_t;


C:\Users\joshm\Documents\Arduino\libraries\arduino_958432\src/utility/hal_aci_tl.h:86:3: note: the incompatible type is defined here

} aci_pins_t;


C:\Users\joshm\Documents\Arduino\libraries\arduino_958432\src/utility/lib_aci.h:65:16: note: type 'struct aci_state_t' should match type 'struct aci_state_t' that itself violate one definition rule

typedef struct aci_state_t


C:\Users\joshm\Documents\Arduino\libraries\arduino_958432\src/utility/lib_aci.h:65:16: note: the incompatible type is defined here

typedef struct aci_state_t

John-Almardeny commented 4 years ago

Here is the same. It looks the developer of this library has no clue !

jLynx commented 3 years ago

I currently have the same issue on a generic NRF51822