sandeepmistry / arduino-LoRa

An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using LoRa radios.
MIT License
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ESP-32 with Ai Thinker RA-02. Transmit OK but Receive not working except Library Version 0.3.0 #296

Closed Cloolalang closed 3 years ago

Cloolalang commented 4 years ago

Hey Guys. Im building a ESP-32 & Lora Ra-02 board to use with OpenMqttGateway and Hassio. I can only get the Lora to receive my test transmitter using Lora.h Version 0.3.0, not later versions. The transmit is working perfectly.

I tried the RA-02 on an UNO and got the same results.

Setup: ESP-32 Dev board Ai Thinker Ra-02 Lora.h

Packet size being send: 6

RF: LORA_BAND 434.250E6 LORA_SIGNAL_BANDWIDTH 125E3 LORA_TX_POWER 17 LORA_SPREADING_FACTOR 12 LORA_CODING_RATE 5 LORA_PREAMBLE_LENGTH 5 LORA_SYNC_WORD 0x12 not used from beacon test transmitter CRC true explicit header mode NO IQ invert disabled YES


define LORA_SCK 18

define LORA_MISO 19

define LORA_MOSI 23

define LORA_SS 5

define LORA_RST 14

define LORA_DI0 2 (ESP 32 interrupt capable? YES)

I see that the RA-02 is not listed as supported, however any Ideas would be very much appreciated.\ P

slavino commented 4 years ago

I only used TTGO's boards for LoRa, so may not be much relevant here - but...

FREQ/BAND is 433E6 CRC had to be enabled on both ends (as for transmit so for reception) but the chip was dropping quite a lot from communication then. I decided to switch the CRC off because even corrupt data may serve it's purpose if just small size of packet was damaged.

Spreading factor and signal bandwidth is something you can experiment with for your specific project (I went for spreading 10 and bandwidth 62.5E3 for long range application in woods and fields) with vertical antenna on both ends.

Cloolalang commented 4 years ago


I only used TTGO's boards for LoRa, so may not be much relevant here - but...

FREQ/BAND is 433E6 CRC had to be enabled on both ends (as for transmit so for reception) but the chip was dropping quite a lot from communication then. I decided to switch the CRC off because even corrupt data may serve it's purpose if just small size of packet was damaged.

Spreading factor and signal bandwidth is something you can experiment with for your specific project (I went for spreading 10 and bandwidth 62.5E3 for long range application in woods and fields) with vertical antenna on both ends.

Hey Slavino, Thanks very much for your comments. I am using that specific frequency in BAND (434.250 MHz, SRD channel 48) due to the amateur radio and LPD general usage of that band where I assume I will cause the lease interference;

Thats an interesting point about CRC, I will investigate that as my test 'beacon' has CRC=on and the beacon is only sending the acsii characters Beacon.

As for spreading factor, I have tried a few different settings, (not less that 62.5 as I think the Semtech chip requires a stabilised external oscillator for lower spreading factors.

My test beacon has a simple vertical monopole antenna with ground-plane radials at 45 degrees.

I would be keen to know why my receiver only works ok on lora.h version 0.3.0 or less.. Cheers P