sandeepmistry / arduino-LoRa

An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using LoRa radios.
MIT License
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Recieved data if there is a person in between 2 lora sx1278 transceiver modules ( receive and transmit) #305

Closed ghost closed 4 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago

hello i am having problem with my lora sx1278 module. if there is no person standing between 2 lora sx1278 the data recieved looks like the data below, which is the data i want to transmit:
----> 11/10/2019||8:17:43;Water Level;29;Soil Moisture;652;Raining;0;Count;8830;Water Pump;0; but if there is a person / people standing in between the 2 lora sx1278 modules the data recieved looks like this: ---->?!!>00/2019||1:a:S6[1bteqdLevmd[@ZSmI!LkistureCountCountWater Pu p can you help me? do i need a level shifter for this kind of problem? connections are good since i make it work.

IoTThinks commented 5 years ago

You can try to enableCRC on each node to drop corrupted packets. And try to make your message...shorter to reduce packet corruption.