sandeepmistry / arduino-LoRa

An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using LoRa radios.
MIT License
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SpreadingFactor stuck at 7 on Ra-02 board #436

Closed YD0NXX closed 3 years ago

YD0NXX commented 3 years ago

I am testing a setup where a TTGO T-Beam is acting as a trasmitter with a Ra-02 on Arduino UNO board as a receiver. While changing the SpreadingFactor from 7 to 12 I noticed that Ra-02 board stuck at SF of 7. I kept the transmitter locked at SF 7 and vary the SF of Ra-02 and the result is the Ra-02 board receives all packets fine on all other SF values.

If I change the SF to 8 to 12 on the T-Beam transmitter site and match on the Ra-02 receive side then nothing is received.

So is this a bug on the implementation of SF on Ra-02 board ?

thanks, Yono

IoTThinks commented 3 years ago

I have used SF7 with Ra01 and Ra02 for a few years. And never see such problem.

You can try the default sample Sender and Receiver callback to confirm the issue?

May be due to other problems than sf7 setting.

try endPacket(true) for async sending?

YD0NXX commented 3 years ago

SF7 works fine on Ra-02. It is the other SF values that are not honored by the board.

thanks, Yono

IoTThinks commented 3 years ago

Try with the default sample code first. Change to SF8... To delay 5 seconds between sending.

Unless there is new flaw, ra02 works for me from sf6 to sf12.

YD0NXX commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the hints, so I start with default sample code and add one line to set the other SF values (and have the same number on the transmitter) and this Ra-02 receiver works fine.

So the library works fine, it is operator error somewhere in my code. Thanks for the help and I'll close this issue.