sandeepmistry / arduino-LoRa

An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using LoRa radios.
MIT License
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Starting LoRa failed! ESP8266 & RFM95W Version = 0 #474

Closed RubiRubsn closed 3 years ago

RubiRubsn commented 3 years ago

Hi Guys, I´ve tried to play a bit around with a RFM95W and a ESP8266. I wired the RFM to the ESP like that: SS->D8, SCK->D5, Mois->D7, Miso->D6, Dio0->D1, Reset->D2 I`ve used this example:

int counter = 0;

void setup() { sei(); Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial) ; LoRa.setPins(D8, D2, D1); Serial.println("LoRa Sender"); long FREQ = 868E6; if (!LoRa.begin(FREQ)) { Serial.println("Starting LoRa failed!"); while (1) yield(); ; } }

void loop() { Serial.print("Sending packet: "); Serial.println(counter); // send packet LoRa.beginPacket(); LoRa.print("hello "); LoRa.print(counter); LoRa.endPacket();




I'am using PlatformIO.

I get a "Starting LoRa failed!" in the Serial monitor and after adding

uint8_t version = readRegister(REG_VERSION); Serial.print("version: "); Serial.println(version);

im getting "Version: 0"; Dumping my Register shows, the complete register is 0.

Maybe i have a problem with a connection but i double and Tribble checkt everything.

I bought this one:

I tried that with an Arduino Uno and have the same problem

Thanks for your help^^

IoTThinks commented 3 years ago

Uno should simply works. Check your wiring at

RubiRubsn commented 3 years ago

found my Problem, had a cold soldering point. (on two modules, it was hard to find) thx for your help. :D

ghebra commented 3 years ago

please help me , how you are resolve this issue