sandeepmistry / arduino-LoRa

An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using LoRa radios.
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Bad RSSI #72

Closed DussanR closed 5 years ago

DussanR commented 6 years ago

When sending in a room no more than 2 meters apart, i get a RSSI of around 70. In the backyard through a couple of walls and 20 meters tops a RSSI of 105.

I wanted to make this better, but i don't quite understand how to use the setTxPower. If someone could help me i would really appreciate it!

dontsovcmc commented 6 years ago

I use with external antennas 20cm. I see very strange RSSI -115 when distance is 1 meter 👍 ( LoRa.setTxPower(17); LoRa.setSignalBandwidth(31.25E3); / LoRa.setSpreadingFactor(7); LoRa.setCodingRate4(5);

Is it normal?

sandeepmistry commented 6 years ago

@DussanR what hardware are you using?

Do you have the correct antenna's for the frequency you are using?

For AI thinker modules RFO is used for power instead of PA boost. so you could try:

LoRa.setTxPower(14, PA_OUTPUT_RFO_PIN);
DussanR commented 6 years ago

I am using a dragino shield on an arduino uno. I have the antenna the shield came with.

Would it be something like ... ?

LoRa.setTxPower(17, PA_OUTPUT_PA_BOOST_PIN);


dontsovcmc commented 6 years ago

For my problem: I can't find the reason ( Sometimes RSSI is -70, sometimes -20 (normal) for 30cm.

sandeepmistry commented 6 years ago

@DussanR LoRa.setTxPower(17)l or LoRa.setTxPower(17, PA_OUTPUT_PA_BOOST_PIN); is fine.

Do you have a photo of the shield? Are you passing in the correct frequency into begin that the board and antenna are designed for?

DussanR commented 6 years ago

This is the shield:

With the second parameter do i have to declare a new pin?

And yes, i have the shield/antenna for 915 and using the LoRa.begin(915E3)!

sandeepmistry commented 6 years ago

With the second parameter do i have to declare a new pin? Nope.

I have the same shield here, and am getting reasonable RSSI.

What board are you connecting the shield too?

DussanR commented 6 years ago

To an original arduino. Odd, what could be the problem?

sandeepmistry commented 6 years ago

Could be the 3.3V doesn't have enough current or power source generating noise?

I've been using and Uno with the shield.

DussanR commented 6 years ago

I’ll try using the second parameter, cause i’ve used different arduino unos with the same problem.


boonkerz commented 6 years ago

i have the same issue. Only when i place both near by i can transmit and receive messages. (2cm) Arduino UNO with DRF1278F

Sukuri commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm using arduino uno with RFM95 915MHz (arduino uno shield), can I use LoRa.setTxPower(17, PA_OUTPUT_PA_BOOST_PIN); as well? Is it really limited to 17 because from datasheet maximum is +20dbm, and the pin called PA_BOOST, or just use PA_OUTPUT_PA_BOOST_PIN?

I use the example code with SF11 and distance 0.5m, but RSSI -79

dontsovcmc commented 6 years ago

I see RSSI -20 with SX1276 ~0.5m. I think LoRa.setTxPower(17, PA_OUTPUT_PA_BOOST_PIN); is not needed, cause it has been already called somewhere (check LoRa.begin())

Sukuri commented 6 years ago

@dontsovcmc thanks. But I've still no idea about my RSSI, I only can get -20 for a few centimeters. What SF you are using?

dontsovcmc commented 6 years ago

check (use another RadioHead library example) or check RSSI with: setTxPower(14, PA_OUTPUT_RFO_PIN) for both modules & check RSSI setTxPower(14) for both modules & check RSSI

Sukuri commented 6 years ago

@dontsovcmc thanks for that. I've test it but still low RSSI. These are my current settings:

LoRa.setSignalBandwidth(125E3); LoRa.setTxPower(17, PA_OUTPUT_PA_BOOST_PIN); LoRa.setCodingRate4(5);
LoRa.setPreambleLength(6); LoRa.enableCrc();

I'm not sure, maybe it's from my hardware problem. By the way, thanks again :)

halukmy commented 6 years ago

@boonkerz i got that error before, just change 868E6 to 433E6 ;) it will rock'n roll

KE6MTO commented 6 years ago

The antenna may be questionable. May not be the same boards, but here is a youtube video of someone who tested the antenna's that came with some of the cheep LoRa boards:

Needless to say, they weren't good...

I got new antenna's from Linx (purchased via Mouser):

cassiolucas commented 6 years ago

Hello guys,

I have the same issue, currently I am using arduino uno and NiceRF1276 lora modules on both ends, but, the RSSI value is around -60 and both arduino are just side-by-side...

Did any of you find a solution for this?

sandeepmistry commented 6 years ago

@cassiolucas please see maybe you need to try an additional parameter?

sandeepmistry commented 6 years ago

@DussanR any progress on this?

dontsovcmc commented 6 years ago

@cassiolucas are you choose frequency right? :/ @sandeepmistry what parameters can you offer?!

DussanR commented 6 years ago

@sandeepmistry i added the second parameter and it's basically the same. i get 60-70 in the same room, and around 100 in my backyard

cassiolucas commented 6 years ago

Hello @dontsovcmc, yes the right frequency 915Mhz.

@sandeepmistry I believe this cannot be improved, I have tested a different library for arduino and the RSSI was only around 10 dBm better...

@DussanR Yes I have also done a lot of tests with the parameters from but still the same, I just dont understand why its said that this module can work in long range (2km between buildings) but on my tests I didnt get even close to 1km.

dontsovcmc commented 6 years ago

@cassiolucas check RF settings for better distance. You should choose good antenna! I got 1 km through buildings with very fast (bad) settings with +5dBm 20cm antennas: power: 20 dBm, 62.5kHz, SF 8, CR 4/6 -20 RSSI ~ 5 sm -50 RSSI ~ 5 meters.

cassiolucas commented 6 years ago

@dontsovcmc can you please share your code and how were you able to set the +20dBm power as well as the other settings 62.5kHz, SF 8, CR 4/6 ?

Also, did you build your antenna? do you have pictures of your LoRa modules and antenna?

The Lora module and antenna which I am currently using is: image

dontsovcmc commented 6 years ago

@cassiolucas check this commit for +20dBm I cant' understand, you got good RSSI or not? Remember, it it library for chip, not for board. API can be little different between boards. For example, antenna pin. I can't understand why NiceRF connect digital IO pins to MCU. Please check modules with home library (lora_slave, lora_master):, password "nicerf" works (=)).

If success, try to understand differences with sandeepmistry library...

cassiolucas commented 6 years ago

Hello @dontsovcmc Ok I will check the NiceRF examples codes.

Do you know how can I get the RSSI values using the NiceRF codes?

cassiolucas commented 6 years ago

I have found how to read the RSSI and just by uploading the TX and RX code from Nicerf I get around +47 dBm as RSSI when the node is just 1 meter away.. I wasn't expecting a positive value for RSSI...Or maybe I am not reading it correctly from the library?

sr58977 commented 5 years ago

@cassiolucas hiii... can you please mention the code for RSSI from nice rf library, it will glade to you...

thank you

AsyDynamics commented 5 years ago

@DussanR what hardware are you using?

Do you have the correct antenna's for the frequency you are using?

For AI thinker modules RFO is used for power instead of PA boost. so you could try:

LoRa.setTxPower(14, PA_OUTPUT_RFO_PIN);

@sandeepmistry Hi, can you give little bit more explanation of the RFO mode of ai thinker module, or is there any link because I cannot find on google. Wondering if what you said means the max power of ai thinker module is +14 ? Thanks