sandeepmistry / arduino-nRF5

Arduino Core for Nordic Semiconductor nRF5 based boards
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Black Magic Probe - Cannot access memory at address 0x1c84c #361

Closed vladkozlov69 closed 5 years ago

vladkozlov69 commented 5 years ago


I'm trying to program NRF52832 using Black Magic Probe made of STM32 (as per

However I'm getting these messages:

Target voltage: unknown Available Targets: No. Att Driver 1 Nordic nRF52 Access Port Remote debugging using /dev/cu.usbmodemE0CFB5E71 Attaching to Remote target warning: while parsing target description: no element found warning: Could not load XML target description; ignoring PC register is not available PC not available warning: while parsing target memory map (at line 1): Required element is missing Load failed Cannot access memory at address 0x1c84c warning: while parsing target description: no element found warning: Could not load XML target description; ignoring PC register is not available PC not available Reading symbols from sketch_may17a.ino.elf...done. Loading section .text, size 0x9dc lma 0x1c000 Starting program: /private/var/folders/3v/mdtlw0dj3tx518cdmcm7q3lw0000gn/T/arduino_build_283132/sketch_may17a.ino.elf Program complete!

Am I doing something wrong?

dlabun commented 5 years ago

Closing due to lack of activity and this doesn’t appear to be an issue with this project.

pvonmoradi commented 3 years ago

1- The blog you referenced used stlink platform but you should use swlink for the bluepill 2- To flash, try this command:

    arm-none-eabi-gdb -nx --batch \
        -ex "target extended-remote /dev/ttyBmpGdb" \
        -ex "monitor swdp_scan" \
        -ex "attach 1" \
        -ex "monitor erase_mass" \
        -ex "load" \
        -ex "compare-sections" \
        -ex "kill" \