sandeepmistry / arduino-nRF5

Arduino Core for Nordic Semiconductor nRF5 based boards
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Request to add nRF51422-based 'uPPico' #435

Open KevinJohnMulligan opened 3 years ago

KevinJohnMulligan commented 3 years ago


I would like to create a PR for the open-source uPPico by MGZ.

I have already created a 'uPPico' branch but I'm unsure of some of the nuances of how to add a board.

Possible issues

The main problem I have is that this board's HEX file also includes a BLE DFU bootloader, which is to be added before the standard s130 HEX data.

I have added the custom bootloader (which is simply a configuration of the open-source example from Nordic) HEX data to the repo in case it's necessary. For reference about single vs dual bank, you can refer here.

s130dsp DFU Single-bank Pico (Single-bank allows for redundancy as it saves previous firmware in second buffer)

s130ddp DFU Dual-bank Pico (Dual-bank gives access to all the memory but there is no fall back if the BLE firmware update fails)

For our testing purpose, we created special packages of the softdevice merging the bootloader HEX file and the original Nordic s130 HEX file. We then created additional softdevice definitions for the merged versions in the "Softdevice" menu dropdown list. However, this would bind to a specific version of the softdevice and distribute the Nordic s130 without authorisation.

We would like some suggestions on how to best integrate the selection of alternative bootloaders (possibly making use of "Burn Bootloader" in the Arduino IDE)