sandeepmistry / arduino-nRF5

Arduino Core for Nordic Semiconductor nRF5 based boards
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Looking for the right bootloader #446

Open sigalabs opened 3 years ago

sigalabs commented 3 years ago

Hi all, i am trying to find my options for OTA firmware update using this core for the NRF52832 chip.

I am new to this chip and i need to understand if i can use any bootloader either the newer ones from Nordic with the secure DFU to update the application only if its build using this core.

I cant understand if the older SoftDevice of this core is a limitation for the bootloader selection, i have also tried the ArduinoOTA approach that copy on the fly a new binary firmware by using the internal flash but if fails and crashes the mcu.

Has anyone successfully used a BLE or SPI Flash bootloader with this core?

Thank you very much

arkhipenko commented 2 years ago

+1 - also looking for the way to OTA