sandeepmistry / arduino-nRF5

Arduino Core for Nordic Semiconductor nRF5 based boards
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Customized OTA DFU on the NRF52 SOCs #471

Open TauqirH opened 2 years ago

TauqirH commented 2 years ago

I am using a NRF52840 SOC board (Wisblock RAK4631) , Wisblock is using this core arduino-nRF5 & Adafruit_nRF52_Arduino for its devices to run on the Arduino platform.

I need to perform a customized OTA DFU for my application and wanted to inquire which functions/APIs the BLE DFU process was importing from the NRF SDK to interact with the internal memory of the NRF52 and write the image.

The BLE DFU process is present in the Bluefruit52lib library from Adafruit NRF52 Arduino core. (