sandeepmistry / arduino-nRF5

Arduino Core for Nordic Semiconductor nRF5 based boards
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<SOLVED> Wiring Problem --- Selecting Low Frequency Clock to either Synthesized or RC does now work with boards that do not have a LF crystal fitted #477

Closed drmpf closed 2 years ago

drmpf commented 2 years ago

Tested with board Generic nRF52 on module BLM-KBT522

Module came with running BLE example. Softdevice loaded (after removing chip protection) Loaded Blink of pin P0.29 (and others) but no change in output of pin P0.29 Changing module to one with a crystal worked with all three Low Frequency Clock settings.

Best guess is that somewhere in the code/softdevice the chip is trying to initialize the crystal and hangs waiting for it. Do you have a test on an nRF52832 that does not have a crystal fitted that I can try reproduce here. p.s. thanks for this great board support

drmpf commented 2 years ago

Helps is you solder all the pins on the module you are trying to use as outputs :-( Module without an external low freq crystal now running.