sandeepmistry / arduino-nRF5

Arduino Core for Nordic Semiconductor nRF5 based boards
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nrf51822 UART BLE #486

Open sahilsawant031996 opened 2 years ago

sahilsawant031996 commented 2 years ago

I have one application where the data comes over UART and need to send that data over BLE. Data is coming over the UART port with a 230400 baud rate. But in the firmware code when I turn on the BLE and data starts receiving, the device seems to be hanged up. When I turn OFF the ble and keep the UART ON everything works fine. Can someone tell me is this happening because of UART and BLE interrupt occurring at the same time.

Specification- UART 230400 baud rate Controller - MDBT40 BLE notify property is used

LiveRock commented 2 years ago

My program got halted when I cal

BLEPeripheral Peripheral = BLEPeripheral(); .. ..
