sandeepmistry / arduino-nRF5

Arduino Core for Nordic Semiconductor nRF5 based boards
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CI: Add GitHub Actions workflow to build blinky with all variants. #489

Closed carlosperate closed 2 years ago

carlosperate commented 2 years ago

As TravisCI is no longer a good option for open source projects and it is no longer running for this repository.

In this case I opted to use GitHub Actions as it is readily available and fairly popular. And this workflow uses the official Arduino Action to compile sketches.

Also added 3 or 4 variants that were not in the original TravisCI list, they compile fine, so they must have been accidentally left out.

sandeepmistry commented 2 years ago

@carlosperate these changes look good!

Should the build badge in the read me also be updated?

carlosperate commented 2 years ago

Oh yeah, good catch! I've replaced the badge and renamed the workflow "Build" as otherwsie the previous long name appears in the badge.
