sandeepmistry / node-sensortag

Node.js lib for the TI SensorTag
MIT License
218 stars 111 forks source link

Not connecting to sensortags when using discoverAll #52

Closed next-marianmoldovan closed 8 years ago

next-marianmoldovan commented 9 years ago

When I use the method discoverAll, the method connectAndSetup it's not working, although the discovery it's working for all the nearby devices. When using discover all works fine.

var SensorTag = require('sensortag');

function onDiscover(sensorTag) {
    console.log("SensorTag discovered!");
    sensorTag.connectAndSetup(function () {
        console.log('Connected and setup');
            console.log(sensorTag.address, 'disconnected');


Thanx and congrats for this awesome package

sandeepmistry commented 9 years ago

@beeva-marianmoldovan are you using OS X or Linux? Which version? How many SensorTags?

next-marianmoldovan commented 9 years ago

Linux 3.13.0-62-generic #102-Ubuntu 14.04 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I am trying [2-3] sensors at a time

sandeepmistry commented 9 years ago

@beeva-marianmoldovan please provide debug logs: sudo DEBUG=* node <file>.js.

magicrudi commented 9 years ago

Hi Sandeep,

first of thanks for this library. I am connecting several sensor tags with a raspberry pi and it worked until the recent update. I need to comment out line 19 in the sensortag.js file now to get it working again. Not sure if you planned it to stop discovering available sensor tags after the first one has been discovered. In the sensortag.js file:

screen shot 2015-09-07 at 6 00 39 pm

Maybe this helps.


sandeepmistry commented 9 years ago

@magicrudi your comment is a bit unrelated to the original issue, see:

discover only discovers a single tag, discoverAll discovers more than one

magicrudi commented 9 years ago

Sorry, my fault. I mixed up different sources.

next-marianmoldovan commented 9 years ago

Didn't read nothing interesting, code here

  hci setting filter to: 1400000020c10000000000400000 +0ms
  hci set event mask - writing: 01010c08fffffbff07f8bf3d +1ms
  hci set le event mask - writing: 010120081f00000000000000 +0ms
  hci read local version - writing: 01011000 +0ms
  hci read bd addr - writing: 01091000 +0ms
  hci onSocketData: 040e0401010c00 +27ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 14 +0ms
  hci       cmd = 3073 +0ms
  hci       status = 0 +0ms
  hci       result =  +0ms
  hci onSocketData: 040e0401012000 +0ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 14 +0ms
  hci       cmd = 8193 +0ms
  hci       status = 0 +0ms
  hci       result =  +0ms
  hci onSocketData: 040e0c0101100006bd1e06020000fc +0ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 14 +0ms
  hci       cmd = 4097 +0ms
  hci       status = 0 +0ms
  hci       result = 06bd1e06020000fc +0ms
  hci set scan enabled - writing: 010c20020001 +0ms
  hci set scan parameters - writing: 010b200701100010000000 +1ms
  hci onSocketData: 040e0a01091000afd4fc87d9c4 +0ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 14 +0ms
  hci       cmd = 4105 +0ms
  hci       status = 0 +0ms
  hci       result = afd4fc87d9c4 +0ms
  hci address = c4:d9:87:fc:d4:af +0ms
  hci onSocketData: 040e04010c200c +0ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 14 +0ms
  hci       cmd = 8204 +0ms
  hci       status = 12 +0ms
  hci       result =  +0ms
  hci onSocketData: 040e04010b2000 +1ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 14 +0ms
  hci       cmd = 8203 +0ms
  hci       status = 0 +0ms
  hci       result =  +0ms
  noble stateChange poweredOn +0ms
  hci set scan enabled - writing: 010c20020101 +1ms
  hci set scan enabled - writing: 010c20020101 +0ms
  hci onSocketData: 040e04010c2000 +1ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 14 +0ms
  hci       cmd = 8204 +0ms
  hci       status = 0 +0ms
  hci       result =  +0ms
  noble scanStart +0ms
  hci onSocketData: 040e04010c200c +5ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 14 +0ms
  hci       cmd = 8204 +0ms
  hci       status = 12 +0ms
  hci       result =  +0ms
  hci onSocketData: 043e1302010000066bb848b4b007020105030210aacc +35ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +1ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 0000066bb848b4b007020105030210aacc +0ms
  hci           type = 0 +0ms
  hci           address = b0:b4:48:b8:6b:06 +0ms
  hci           address type = public +0ms
  hci           eir = 020105030210aa +0ms
  hci           rssi = -52 +0ms
  gap advertisement = {"serviceData":[],"serviceUuids":["aa10"]} +2ms
  hci onSocketData: 043e2702010400066bb848b4b01b11094343323635302053656e736f72546167051208002003020a00cc +1ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 0400066bb848b4b01b11094343323635302053656e736f72546167051208002003020a00cc +0ms
  hci           type = 4 +0ms
  hci           address = b0:b4:48:b8:6b:06 +0ms
  hci           address type = public +0ms
  hci           eir = 11094343323635302053656e736f72546167051208002003020a00 +0ms
  hci           rssi = -52 +0ms
  gap advertisement = {"localName":"CC2650 SensorTag","txPowerLevel":0,"serviceData":[],"serviceUuids":["aa10"]} +1ms
Yo sensorTag: b0:b4:48:b8:6b:06
  hci create le conn - writing: 010d2019600030000000066bb848b4b00006000c000000c80004000600 +4ms
  hci onSocketData: 040f040c010d20 +1ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 15 +0ms
  hci onSocketData: 043e13020100000317b848b4b007020105030210aad0 +15ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 00000317b848b4b007020105030210aad0 +0ms
  hci           type = 0 +0ms
  hci           address = b0:b4:48:b8:17:03 +0ms
  hci           address type = public +0ms
  hci           eir = 020105030210aa +0ms
  hci           rssi = -48 +0ms
  gap advertisement = {"serviceData":[],"serviceUuids":["aa10"]} +1ms
  hci onSocketData: 043e27020104000317b848b4b01b11094343323635302053656e736f72546167051208002003020a00d0 +2ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 04000317b848b4b01b11094343323635302053656e736f72546167051208002003020a00d0 +0ms
  hci           type = 4 +0ms
  hci           address = b0:b4:48:b8:17:03 +0ms
  hci           address type = public +0ms
  hci           eir = 11094343323635302053656e736f72546167051208002003020a00 +0ms
  hci           rssi = -48 +0ms
  gap advertisement = {"localName":"CC2650 SensorTag","txPowerLevel":0,"serviceData":[],"serviceUuids":["aa10"]} +1ms
Yo sensorTag: b0:b4:48:b8:17:03
  hci onSocketData: 043e1b02010000daf04f9534b00f02011a0bff4c000906010000000000ab +1ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 0000daf04f9534b00f02011a0bff4c000906010000000000ab +0ms
  hci           type = 0 +0ms
  hci           address = b0:34:95:4f:f0:da +0ms
  hci           address type = public +0ms
  hci           eir = 02011a0bff4c000906010000000000 +0ms
  hci           rssi = -85 +0ms
  gap advertisement = {"manufacturerData":[76,0,9,6,1,0,0,0,0,0],"serviceData":[],"serviceUuids":[]} +1ms
  hci onSocketData: 043e0c02010400daf04f9534b000ab +0ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +4ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 0400daf04f9534b000ab +0ms
  hci           type = 4 +0ms
  hci           address = b0:34:95:4f:f0:da +0ms
  hci           address type = public +1ms
  hci           eir =  +0ms
  hci           rssi = -85 +0ms
  gap advertisement = {"manufacturerData":[76,0,9,6,1,0,0,0,0,0],"serviceData":[],"serviceUuids":[]} +1ms
  hci onSocketData: 043e2a02010301a187a75bcbd31e0201061aff4c000215fac628359be646e09d11a7ac0292966000190003c6c5 +52ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 0301a187a75bcbd31e0201061aff4c000215fac628359be646e09d11a7ac0292966000190003c6c5 +0ms
  hci           type = 3 +1ms
  hci           address = d3:cb:5b:a7:87:a1 +0ms
  hci           address type = random +0ms
  hci           eir = 0201061aff4c000215fac628359be646e09d11a7ac0292966000190003c6 +0ms
  hci           rssi = -59 +0ms
  gap advertisement = {"manufacturerData":[76,0,2,21,250,198,40,53,155,230,70,224,157,17,167,172,2,146,150,96,0,25,0,3,198],"serviceData":[],"serviceUuids":[]} +0ms
  hci onSocketData: 043e1302010000066bb848b4b007020105030210aac7 +11ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +1ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 0000066bb848b4b007020105030210aac7 +0ms
  hci           type = 0 +0ms
  hci           address = b0:b4:48:b8:6b:06 +0ms
  hci           address type = public +0ms
  hci           eir = 020105030210aa +0ms
  hci           rssi = -57 +0ms
  gap advertisement = {"localName":"CC2650 SensorTag","txPowerLevel":0,"serviceData":[],"serviceUuids":["aa10"]} +0ms
  hci onSocketData: 043e13020100008655b848b4b007020105030210aac2 +21ms
  hci   event type = 4 +1ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 00008655b848b4b007020105030210aac2 +0ms
  hci           type = 0 +0ms
  hci           address = b0:b4:48:b8:55:86 +0ms
  hci           address type = public +0ms
  hci           eir = 020105030210aa +1ms
  hci           rssi = -62 +0ms
  gap advertisement = {"serviceData":[],"serviceUuids":["aa10"]} +0ms
  hci onSocketData: 043e27020104008655b848b4b01b11094343323635302053656e736f72546167051208002003020a00c2 +1ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +1ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 04008655b848b4b01b11094343323635302053656e736f72546167051208002003020a00c2 +0ms
  hci           type = 4 +0ms
  hci           address = b0:b4:48:b8:55:86 +0ms
  hci           address type = public +0ms
  hci           eir = 11094343323635302053656e736f72546167051208002003020a00 +0ms
  hci           rssi = -62 +0ms
  gap advertisement = {"localName":"CC2650 SensorTag","txPowerLevel":0,"serviceData":[],"serviceUuids":["aa10"]} +0ms
Yo sensorTag: b0:b4:48:b8:55:86
  hci onSocketData: 043e13020100000317b848b4b007020105030210aac4 +2ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 00000317b848b4b007020105030210aac4 +0ms
  hci           type = 0 +0ms
  hci           address = b0:b4:48:b8:17:03 +0ms
  hci           address type = public +0ms
  hci           eir = 020105030210aa +0ms
  hci           rssi = -60 +1ms
  gap advertisement = {"localName":"CC2650 SensorTag","txPowerLevel":0,"serviceData":[],"serviceUuids":["aa10"]} +0ms
  hci onSocketData: 043e27020104000317b848b4b01b11094343323635302053656e736f72546167051208002003020a00c4 +2ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 04000317b848b4b01b11094343323635302053656e736f72546167051208002003020a00c4 +0ms
  hci           type = 4 +0ms
  hci           address = b0:b4:48:b8:17:03 +0ms
  hci           address type = public +0ms
  hci           eir = 11094343323635302053656e736f72546167051208002003020a00 +0ms
  hci           rssi = -60 +0ms
  gap advertisement = {"localName":"CC2650 SensorTag","txPowerLevel":0,"serviceData":[],"serviceUuids":["aa10"]} +1ms
  hci onSocketData: 043e1b020100009485cb51f9f40f02011a0bff4c0009060314c0a80cb0bf +4ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 00009485cb51f9f40f02011a0bff4c0009060314c0a80cb0bf +0ms
  hci           type = 0 +0ms
  hci           address = f4:f9:51:cb:85:94 +0ms
  hci           address type = public +0ms
  hci           eir = 02011a0bff4c0009060314c0a80cb0 +0ms
  hci           rssi = -65 +1ms
  gap advertisement = {"manufacturerData":[76,0,9,6,3,20,192,168,12,176],"serviceData":[],"serviceUuids":[]} +0ms
  hci onSocketData: 043e0c020104009485cb51f9f400bf +0ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 04009485cb51f9f400bf +0ms
  hci           type = 4 +0ms
  hci           address = f4:f9:51:cb:85:94 +0ms
  hci           address type = public +0ms
  hci           eir =  +0ms
  hci           rssi = -65 +0ms
  gap advertisement = {"manufacturerData":[76,0,9,6,3,20,192,168,12,176],"serviceData":[],"serviceUuids":[]} +0ms
  hci onSocketData: 043e2a020103014490c71917c61e0201061aff4c000215fac628359be646e09d11a7ac0292966000190001c6cc +36ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 03014490c71917c61e0201061aff4c000215fac628359be646e09d11a7ac0292966000190001c6cc +0ms
  hci           type = 3 +0ms
  hci           address = c6:17:19:c7:90:44 +0ms
  hci           address type = random +0ms
  hci           eir = 0201061aff4c000215fac628359be646e09d11a7ac0292966000190001c6 +0ms
  hci           rssi = -52 +0ms
  gap advertisement = {"manufacturerData":[76,0,2,21,250,198,40,53,155,230,70,224,157,17,167,172,2,146,150,96,0,25,0,1,198],"serviceData":[],"serviceUuids":[]} +1ms
  hci onSocketData: 043e2a020103015e3e98249cc51e0201061aff4c000215fac628359be646e09d11a7ac0292966000190002c6cc +7ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 03015e3e98249cc51e0201061aff4c000215fac628359be646e09d11a7ac0292966000190002c6cc +0ms
  hci           type = 3 +0ms
  hci           address = c5:9c:24:98:3e:5e +0ms
  hci           address type = random +0ms
  hci           eir = 0201061aff4c000215fac628359be646e09d11a7ac0292966000190002c6 +0ms
  hci           rssi = -52 +0ms
oroce commented 9 years ago

I think I'm seeing something similar.

I tried running DEBUG=* sudo node test.js, none of the sensortags could be connected. After that I changed discover to discoverAll in test.js and reran the tests.

The device was discovered in both cases but couldnt be connected. It was trying to connect (connectAndSetup was called, and later I was seeing noble: unkown device <uuid> connected) but couldnt be discovered (probably?). I could successfully connect to both of the sensortags from my phone. (UUIDs of sensortags which are in range: b4994c64be83 and 1cba8c20e2c8)

Here are the details:

sandeepmistry commented 9 years ago

@beeva-marianmoldovan I just ran your code from on my Raspberry Pi with a CC2540 sensor tag and CC2650 in range, both connected no problems.

sandeepmistry commented 9 years ago

@beeva-marianmoldovan you please try running again with a hcidump capture: sudo hcidump -t -x

sandeepmistry commented 9 years ago

@oroce thanks for the thorough gist, something is really weird, lots of LE Create Connection Cancel commands - something noble doesn't use.

Could you please create a new issue for this?

Please confirm:

I tried running DEBUG=* sudo node test.js, none of the sensortags could be connected. After that I changed discover to discoverAll in test.js and reran the tests.

When you create the new issue, that you can't connect to any Sensortags ...

oroce commented 8 years ago

@sandeepmistry here's the issue:

(on sunday the sd card got corrupted so I have to reinstall raspbian, but the issue still exists)

sandeepmistry commented 8 years ago

@beeva-marianmoldovan ping ...

next-marianmoldovan commented 8 years ago

Sorry @sandeepmistry, here you have

sandeepmistry commented 8 years ago

@beeva-marianmoldovan what Bluetooth 4.0 adapter are you using?

2015-09-28 09:55:38.562458 < HCI Command: LE Create Connection (0x08|0x000d) plen 25
    bdaddr B0:B4:48:B8:17:03 type 0
    interval 96 window 48 initiator_filter 0
    own_bdaddr_type 0 min_interval 6 max_interval 12
    latency 0 supervision_to 200 min_ce 4 max_ce 6
2015-09-28 09:55:38.563711 > HCI Event: Command Status (0x0f) plen 4
    LE Create Connection (0x08|0x000d) status 0x0c ncmd 1
    Error: Command Disallowed

For whatever reason it doesn't like scanning and trying to connect at the same time. Also, have you tried to use a newer Linux kernel?

sandeepmistry commented 8 years ago

@beeva-marianmoldovan any updates?

sandeepmistry commented 8 years ago

Closing do to lack of activity.