sandeepmistry / node-sensortag

Node.js lib for the TI SensorTag
MIT License
218 stars 111 forks source link

Raspberry pi2 + node-sensortag #84

Closed julianoAffonso closed 8 years ago

julianoAffonso commented 8 years ago

I followed strictly install process about node-gyp and noble before install this package in my project, after some minutes, finally I have success (or I think have sucess) to install noble (don't received any fail noble instalation and node-gy rebuild process).

I try run test.js from node-sensortag and not receive any error and any information.

I'm able to make communication from my Raspberry Pi 2 with my dongle generic Bluetooth and write and read information from my TI sensortag with Bluez normally.

I tried to get services and characteristics using just noble and cannot get this information, I'm able to get just information from peripherals (ID, MAC, name etc).

Someone have a similar issue like that?

sandeepmistry commented 8 years ago

@julianoAffonso are you running using sudo? This might not be in the read me ... let me know.

julianoAffonso commented 8 years ago

@sandeepmistry Thanks for your response, yes, I'm running using sudo.

sandeepmistry commented 8 years ago

ok, let's take a look at the following:

julianoAffonso commented 8 years ago

Hi @sandeepmistry, thanks for your time and help:

  sudo DEBUG=* node test.js
  hci setting filter to: 1600000020c10000000000400000 +0ms
  hci set event mask - writing: 01010c08fffffbff07f8bf3d +45ms
  hci set le event mask - writing: 010120081f00000000000000 +18ms
  hci read local version - writing: 01011000 +2ms
  hci write LE host supported - writing: 016d0c020100 +3ms
  hci read LE host supported - writing: 016c0c00 +2ms
  hci read bd addr - writing: 01091000 +2ms
  hci onSocketData: 040e0401010c00 +101ms
  hci   event type = 4 +3ms
  hci   sub event type = 14 +1ms
  hci       cmd = 3073 +2ms
  hci       status = 0 +0ms
  hci       result =  +1ms
  hci onSocketData: 040e0401012000 +4ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 14 +1ms
  hci       cmd = 8193 +1ms
  hci       status = 0 +0ms
  hci       result =  +1ms
  hci onSocketData: 040e0c0101100006bb22060a00bb22 +1ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 14 +1ms
  hci       cmd = 4097 +0ms
  hci       status = 0 +0ms
  hci       result = 06bb22060a00bb22 +1ms
  hci set scan enabled - writing: 010c20020001 +3ms
  hci set scan parameters - writing: 010b200701100010000000 +2ms
  hci onSocketData: 040e04016d0c00 +1ms
  hci   event type = 4 +1ms
  hci   sub event type = 14 +0ms
  hci       cmd = 3181 +1ms
  hci       status = 0 +0ms
  hci       result =  +0ms
  hci onSocketData: 040e06016c0c000100 +1ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 14 +0ms
  hci       cmd = 3180 +1ms
  hci       status = 0 +0ms
  hci       result = 0100 +0ms
  hci           le = 1 +1ms
  hci           simul = 0 +1ms
  hci onSocketData: 040e0a010910001371da7d1a00 +0ms
  hci   event type = 4 +1ms
  hci   sub event type = 14 +0ms
  hci       cmd = 4105 +0ms
  hci       status = 0 +1ms
  hci       result = 1371da7d1a00 +0ms
  hci address = 00:1a:7d:da:71:13 +5ms
  noble addressChange 00:1a:7d:da:71:13 +1ms
  hci onSocketData: 040e04010c200c +6ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 14 +1ms
  hci       cmd = 8204 +0ms
  hci       status = 12 +0ms
  hci       result =  +1ms
  hci onSocketData: 040e04010b2000 +1ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 14 +0ms
  hci       cmd = 8203 +1ms
  hci       status = 0 +0ms
  hci       result =  +0ms
  noble stateChange poweredOn +2ms
  hci set scan enabled - writing: 010c20020101 +6ms
  hci set scan enabled - writing: 010c20020101 +2ms
  hci onSocketData: 040e04010c2000 +15ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 14 +1ms
  hci       cmd = 8204 +0ms
  hci       status = 0 +2ms
  hci       result =  +0ms
  noble scanStart +1ms
  hci onSocketData: 040e04010c200c +2ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 14 +1ms
  hci       cmd = 8204 +0ms
  hci       status = 12 +0ms
  hci       result =  +1ms
  hci onSocketData: 043e1b0201000075b98b7b209c0f02011a0bff4c0009060201c0a80164df +36ms
  hci   event type = 4 +1ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +1ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 000075b98b7b209c0f02011a0bff4c0009060201c0a80164df +1ms
  hci           type = 0 +4ms
  hci           address = 9c:20:7b:8b:b9:75 +0ms
  hci           address type = public +1ms
  hci           eir = 02011a0bff4c0009060201c0a80164 +0ms
  hci           rssi = -33 +1ms
  gap advertisement = {"manufacturerData":{"type":"Buffer","data":[76,0,9,6,2,1,192,168,1,100]},"serviceData":[],"serviceUuids":[]} +15ms
  hci onSocketData: 043e0c0201040075b98b7b209c00df +3ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +1ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 040075b98b7b209c00df +1ms
  hci           type = 4 +1ms
  hci           address = 9c:20:7b:8b:b9:75 +0ms
  hci           address type = public +0ms
  hci           eir =  +1ms
  hci           rssi = -33 +0ms
  gap advertisement = {"manufacturerData":{"type":"Buffer","data":[76,0,9,6,2,1,192,168,1,100]},"serviceData":[],"serviceUuids":[]} +2ms
  hci onSocketData: 043e1a020100000082b6f8e6a00e020106030280aa06ff0d00030000b7 +6ms
  hci   event type = 4 +1ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +1ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 00000082b6f8e6a00e020106030280aa06ff0d00030000b7 +1ms
  hci           type = 0 +2ms
  hci           address = a0:e6:f8:b6:82:00 +0ms
  hci           address type = public +0ms
  hci           eir = 020106030280aa06ff0d00030000 +2ms
  hci           rssi = -73 +1ms
  gap advertisement = {"manufacturerData":{"type":"Buffer","data":[13,0,3,0,0]},"serviceData":[],"serviceUuids":["aa80"]} +4ms
  hci onSocketData: 043e27020104000082b6f8e6a01b110947756974617220455648205374726970051208002003020a00b7 +1ms
  hci   event type = 4 +1ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +1ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 04000082b6f8e6a01b110947756974617220455648205374726970051208002003020a00b7 +0ms
  hci           type = 4 +1ms
  hci           address = a0:e6:f8:b6:82:00 +0ms
  hci           address type = public +0ms
  hci           eir = 110947756974617220455648205374726970051208002003020a00 +1ms
  hci           rssi = -73 +0ms
  gap advertisement = {"localName":"SensorTag 000001","txPowerLevel":0,"manufacturerData":{"type":"Buffer","data":[13,0,3,0,0]},"serviceData":[],"serviceUuids":["aa80"]} +2ms
  hci onSocketData: 043e1a020100000082b6f8e6a00e020106030280aa06ff0d00030000af +48ms
  hci   event type = 4 +1ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +1ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 00000082b6f8e6a00e020106030280aa06ff0d00030000af +0ms
  hci           type = 0 +1ms
  hci           address = a0:e6:f8:b6:82:00 +26ms
  hci           address type = public +1ms
  hci           eir = 020106030280aa06ff0d00030000 +1ms
  hci           rssi = -81 +0ms
  gap advertisement = {"localName":"SensorTag 000001","txPowerLevel":0,"manufacturerData":{"type":"Buffer","data":[13,0,3,0,0]},"serviceData":[],"serviceUuids":["aa80"]} +2ms
  hci onSocketData: 043e27020104000082b6f8e6a01b110947756974617220455648205374726970051208002003020a00af +6ms
  hci   event type = 4 +0ms
  hci   sub event type = 62 +1ms
  hci       LE meta event type = 2 +0ms
  hci       LE meta event status = 1 +1ms
  hci       LE meta event data = 04000082b6f8e6a01b110947756974617220455648205374726970051208002003020a00af +0ms
  hci           type = 4 +1ms
  hci           address = a0:e6:f8:b6:82:00 +0ms
  hci           address type = public +1ms
  hci           eir = 110947756974617220455648205374726970051208002003020a00 +1ms
  hci           rssi = -81 +0ms


sudo hcidump -t -x
HCI sniffer - Bluetooth packet analyzer ver 5.23
device: hci0 snap_len: 1500 filter: 0xffffffff
sandeepmistry commented 8 years ago

Hi @julianoAffonso,

Thanks for the info. May I ask which model of SensorTag you have and which firmware is loaded? It's advertising SensorTag 000001 as the local name, currently the following are checked:

We'll have to make the relevant changes to one of the files to white list what your tag is advertising.

julianoAffonso commented 8 years ago

Hi @sandeepmistry, thanks for your response,

I changed the name off my SensorTag using the dev pack from TI. The model is CC2650 and firmware verison is 1.21

sandeepmistry commented 8 years ago

Hi @julianoAffonso,

Ok, I didn't know that was possible :)

I think we can change:

to include an || check for peripheral.advertisement.serviceUuids containing aa80.

Could you please try this out and submit a pull request?

julianoAffonso commented 8 years ago

Hi @sandeepmistry, thanks for your response!

I think this works, see my terminal output:

node_modules/sensortag $ sudo node test
discovered: {"id":"a0e6f8b68200","type":"cc2650"}
    device name = SensorTag 2.0
    system id = a0:e6:f8:00:00:b6:82:00
    serial number = N.A.
    firmware revision = 1.20 (Jul  9 2016)
    hardware revision = PCB 1.2/1.3
    software revision = PCB 1.2/1.3
    manufacturer name = Texas Instruments
    object temperature = 17.3 °C
    ambient temperature = 24.4 °C
    x = 0 G
    y = 0 G
    z = -1 G
    temperature = 24.6 °C
    humidity = 42.6 %
    x = 27.3 μT
    y = 57.1 μT
    z = -79.4 μT
    pressure = 930 mBar
    x = -2.4 °/s
    y = 1.5 °/s
    z = -1.7 °/s
    data = 127
    config = 0
    lux = 0
readSimpleRead - waiting for button press ...
sandeepmistry commented 8 years ago

@julianoAffonso looks great!

Please go ahead and submit a pull request with the changes you've made.

julianoAffonso commented 8 years ago

@sandeepmistry ,

Thanks for your support!

sandeepmistry commented 8 years ago

@julianoAffonso you're welcome, are you planning on opening a pull request?

julianoAffonso commented 8 years ago

@sandeepmistry ,
