sander / hierarchical-deterministic-keys

Hierarchical Deterministic Keys for the European Digital Identity Wallet
3 stars 0 forks source link non procesable? #30

Closed jftavira closed 1 week ago

jftavira commented 2 weeks ago

I've been trying to execute in Scala 3 but i'm having some errors like this one:

scala> def I2OSP(i: BigInt, len: Int): OS = Array.fill[Byte](len - i.os.length)(0) || i.os -- [E008] Not Found Error: ----------------------------------------------------- 1 |def I2OSP(i: BigInt, len: Int): OS = Array.fill[Byte](len - i.os.length)(0) || i.os | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | value || is not a member of Array[Byte] 1 error found

Is "||" the logical "OR" really the operation needed?

Regards, Juan

sander commented 1 week ago

Hi Juan, thank you for raising this issue. In 97fc16c I have:

Now it should run well in:

jftavira commented 1 week ago

Correct, I was able to run it in IntelliJ at least