Closed clemalex824 closed 3 years ago
I bought the S500 + version, the commands in HA are working fine (start, pause, return). I don't have the battery status (unavailable).
Here is the information returned by the API:
alms//state {'state': 258, 'map_update_available': True, 'mowed': 94, 'mowmode': 1, 'xPos': 93, 'yPos': 59, 'runtime': {'total': {'operate': 3201, 'charge': 929}, 'session': {'operate': 1, 'charge': 0}}, 'mapsvgcache_ts': 1622658502028, 'svg_xPos': 496, 'svg_yPos': 784, 'config_change': False, 'mow_trig': False} alms//setup {'hasOwner': True, 'hasPin': True, 'hasMap': True, 'hasAutoCal': False, 'hasIntegrityCheckPassed': True} alms//updates {'available': False} alms//predictive {'enabled': False} alms//operatingData {'runtime': {'total': {'operate': 3206, 'charge': 929}, 'session': {'operate': 6, 'charge': 0}}, 'battery': {'voltage': 9.4, 'cycles': 0, 'discharge': -0.2, 'ambient_temp': 30, 'battery_temp': 30, 'percent': 94}, 'garden': {'id': 1, 'name': 1, 'signal_id': 1, 'size': 202, 'inner_bounds': 0, 'cuts': 0, 'runtime': 3206, 'charge': 929, 'bumps': 207, 'stops': 4, 'last_mow': 3, 'map_cell_size': 120}, 'hmiKeys': 504} alms//network {'mcc': 208, 'mnc': 10, 'rssi': -88, 'currMode': 's', 'configMode': 's', 'steeredRssi': -100, 'networkCount': 3, 'networks': [20810, 20801, 20820]} alms//map b'<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 2066 1333"><rect x="0" y="0" width="2066" height="1333" r="0" rx="0" ry="0" fill="#FAFAFA" stroke="#FAFAFA"></rect><path d=" M 0 [......] 1872,960 " style="fill:#61B081;fill-rule:evenodd" />\n</svg>' alms//config {'region': 0, 'language': 12, 'border_cut': 1, 'is_pin_set': True, 'wire_id': 1, 'bump_sensitivity': 0, 'alarm_mode': True, 'mowing_mode': 0} alms//calendar {'sel_cal': 0, 'cals': [{'cal': 3, 'days': [{'day': 0, 'slots': [{'En': True, 'StHr': 10, 'StMin': 10, 'EnHr': 16, 'EnMin': 10}, {'En': False}]}, {'day': 5, 'slots': [{'En': True, 'StHr': 10, 'StMin': 10, 'EnHr': 16, 'EnMin': 10}, {'En': False}]}]}]} alms//automaticUpdate {'allow_automatic_update': False} alms//serial {'alm_sn': '<SERIAL>', 'service_counter': 2277, 'needs_service': False, 'alm_mode': 'manual', 'bareToolnumber': '3600HB0302', 'alm_firmware_version': '25116.01251'} alms [{'alm_sn': '<SERIAL>'}] alerts [] Indego mower. State(state=258, map_update_available=True, mowed=94, mowmode=1, error=None, xPos=93, yPos=59, charge=None, operate=None, runtime=Runtime(total=RuntimeDetail(operate=32, charge=9, cut=23), session=RuntimeDetail(operate=1, charge=0, cut=0)), mapsvgcache_ts=1622658502028, svg_xPos=496, svg_yPos=784, config_change=False, mow_trig=False), , last mowed: None, next mow: None, None, None, [], map filename: None, Noneupdate available: False, State Descr: Docked.
It is scheduled in the next release!
Next release is up for code review. Stay tuned!
Should be fixed in 3.8.0
I bought the S500 + version, the commands in HA are working fine (start, pause, return). I don't have the battery status (unavailable).
Here is the information returned by the API: