sanderdriesen / WhatsAPINet

A .NET WhatsApp API
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Encrypt message #23

Open khaf0 opened 8 years ago

khaf0 commented 8 years ago

hello, when I use test project on static void wa_OnGetMessage(ProtocolTreeNode node, string from, string id, string name, string message, bool receipt_sent) { Console.WriteLine("Message from {0} {1}: {2}", name, from, message); } I get message like this message = "3\b���!�H�Q(�׿�H@�M�U;+\r�(���%��\"!�â�x���\v�/އ���Q�3�)�VOZ:�\"C3\n!\r\te���̼��$:��y�Y��K�\n�v��\fJ�\0\"�'7ܳ؇?�\tK&���VYv�����(����0\0"

please decryp this ;) thank you

khaf0 commented 8 years ago

update when I recive message in group I get message without encrypt,but when i recive whisper message i get message with encode... children tag = "body" in recived message in group and children tag = "enc" in recived message in whishper

PeterHunt commented 8 years ago

Just want to let you know I'm experiencing the same and waiting for a solution as well :)

janpieterz commented 8 years ago

If one of you is willing to tackle this and open a pull request, you'd be more than welcome.

PeterHunt commented 8 years ago

I know "yowsup" is still working fine and I read something about decoding/cipher/RC4 in this project, but unfortunately this is beyond my knowledge :(