sanderdw / hassio-addons

DSMR Reader Datalogger and Metabase Home Assistant Add-ons
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Calculation different #33

Closed DavyRoswinkel closed 2 years ago

DavyRoswinkel commented 2 years ago

My energy provider makes the calculation the following way: Example for 270 kWh € 0,24054/kWh x 135 kwh = 32,47 € 0,22529/kWh x 135 kwh = 30,41 Vaste leveringskosten (€ 5,99/maand) € 0,19692/dag x 31 dagen = 6,10 voor Enexis B.V. : Capaciteitstarief t/m 3 x 25A of t/m 1 x 80A (€ 267,68/jaar) € 0,73338/dag x 31 dagen = 22,73 Vermindering energiebelasting (- € 824,77/jaar) - € 2,25965/dag x 31 dagen = 70.04 euro Totaal tarief gas (1 t/m 170.000 m3) : € 1,16066/m3 x 21 m3 = 24.37 Vaste leveringskosten (€ 5,99/maand) € 0,19692/dag x 31 dagen = 6.10 voor Enexis B.V. : Capaciteitstarief t/m 10 m3/uur, stand.jaarv. < 500 m3 (€ 138,19/jaar) € 0,37861/dag x 31 dagen = 11.74 Totaal; 42.21

So that month, my energy provider tells me: 270 kWh costs €21,15 and 21m3 costs € 42.21 The provider takes all this daily costs/and all the dutch energytax returns only from the electricity

The dsmr reader shows: € 62,88 for the electricity and € 24,37 for gas

After that the dsmr reader calculates the dailycost and the energy tax -23,25. The couple of cents difference isn't the issue. The outcome is the same only the monthly totals are different.

Am I lost or is there a way to correct this. Or do I have a strange calculating provider? I'm a bit confused. having the calculation from the dsmr reader in my mind and today getting an email telling me different numbers.

sanderdw commented 2 years ago

Hi, this is an explicitly DSMR question. So better to ask it here

DavyRoswinkel commented 2 years ago

Hi, this is an explicitly DSMR question. So better to ask it here

Thank you, will close the issue here then.