sandermvanvliet / RoadCaptain

Build and ride custom routes in Zwift
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Volcano Climb routing issues #101

Closed iilis closed 1 year ago

iilis commented 2 years ago

Description Running one of my own routes, which includes the Volcano Climb. Did well going through at the bottom. But then during Volcano Climb (ascent), when going inside the Volcano on the flat part (about half way up), the runner thought I was on the Summit, then jumped to Volcano Climb (descent). And towards the very top, went to “Volcano Circuit 1” (the segment that would be after Volcano Climb (descent). Then, when I did go around the Summit and started the Volcano Climb (descent), the runner displayed me on Volcano Circuit 1 with the progress bar moving around back and forth. Once I actually got to the Volcano Circuit 1 segment, the runner found me again and it seemed fine from there.

Seems the continuing issue is when the rider (and Road Captain Runner) are on that flat part (bridge inside the volcano) on the Volcano Climb (ascent) segment. The Runner always loses its position.

I have only riding inside on Zwift once per week lately, so was finally able to try out the new version (0.6.7) this morning. Thanks!

Application Details Zwift version : 1.27 Zwift device : Desktop PC (Windows) Road Captain version :

Additional Info (GitHub doesn't like me attaching JSON files, so just added .txt extension.) TitanVsDragon.json.txt roadcaptain-runner-log-2022-09-06T131554.log Log_2022-09-06.txt

sandermvanvliet commented 2 years ago

Hi @iilis! Progress on my side has been slow as well because my daughter was born just 2 months ago so you can imagine where my time is going ;-)

Currently working on some behind-the-scenes work, once that is complete I'll retest a lot of these issues as I think they should see some improvements anyway.

Keep the feedback coming, it's much appreciated!

iilis commented 2 years ago


Seems like I keep running into this issue and we keep going back and forth on it. But I think that once you have the methodology of handling routes overlapping other routes/segments, it will help you going forward. It is rare, but this also happens in NYC with the KOMs and Upper section going over the Park Perimeter loop multiple times.

(Another reason I keep testing this particular section is that almost everything else in the app seems to be running well!)

sandermvanvliet commented 2 years ago

I think it has to do with the altitude matching still not behaving as well as I want unfortunately.

What's happening now is that I've reworked a large part of the state machine that drives RoadCaptain which means a lot of the weirdness with on route -> route lost -> on route stuff should be solved. At least, that's what I hope.

iilis commented 2 years ago

The code there works for the lower sections of the Volcano Circuit (when you’re inside the volcano at the lowest levels. It just seems to get a bit confused at certain points on the upper sections.

Looking forward to your next update (to hopefully address this issue)!! Thanks!

sandermvanvliet commented 2 years ago

Small update on this, I’ve ran a number of tests on the Volcano and found a bunch of things that weren’t quite right:

There was a non-routable segment at the junction of the Volcano Circuit and the land bridge towards the Italian Villas that would cause route lock to be lost

Sometimes RoadCaptain got confused when two segments intersect or are close together when those segments also have a connection. The position matching has been changed so that it only looks ahead ~10 positions on the current segment to find a match before considering anything else.

There was also an incorrect turn at the bottom of the Volcano climb which meant you could never continue clockwise on the Volcano circuit.

I’m still working on a bunch of other stuff, you can follow along here (look under the heading)

iilis commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the update and all of your hard work on this app! Also, new version of Zwift was released this week, so hopefully the version works with that okay.

sandermvanvliet commented 2 years ago

RoadCaptain works with the new Zwift update, I’m always updating as soon as possible to check it 👌

sandermvanvliet commented 2 years ago

@iilis if you want you can give this pre-release build a go:

That should solve the problems on the Volcano but be aware that it’s a pre-release so there may be other things that break…

sandermvanvliet commented 2 years ago

I would advise to rebuild the route again just to be sure that it uses the latest version.

sandermvanvliet commented 1 year ago

I'm going to go ahead and close this issue, I've tested it a few more times and it seems to work properly. If you find anything going wrong with the latest build (see here: feel free to re-open this issue.

iilis commented 1 year ago

Finally got a chance to download ver to try it out. After installing, I recreated the route in my original post. Unfortunately, the Runner didn’t recognize that I was moving on the bike at all. It kept saying “Start Pedaling,” even after I had gone 0.2 mi and passed the Start Banner (downtown Watopia). So, didn’t get to test routing on the Volcano climb.

(Maybe I’ll just stick to Release builds from now on, which is usually what I’ve done.)

sandermvanvliet commented 1 year ago

Could you send me the log files this so that I can have a look what’s going on?

iilis commented 1 year ago

Don't have the RC log file since I stopped the run.

Here are the other files: TitanVsDragon.json.txt Log_2022-10-13.txt

sandermvanvliet commented 1 year ago

Even if you stop the run there will be a log file written. The latest preview release has additional logging for network related issues which should help troubleshoot your case.

It’s either in your %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Codenizer BV\RoadCaptain folder or in the installation folder of RoadCaptain

iilis commented 1 year ago

Couldn't find the log file in either of those places. (Although I don't know exactly where the installation folder is. Is that the Road Captain folder under Program Files (x86)?)

PhilipAmos commented 1 year ago

@iilis RoadCaptain is installed into the C:\Program Files (x86)\Codenizer BV\RoadCaptain Folder and as we are on a Development build this is where RoadCaptain tries to create the log files. By default Users don't have permissions to write to this Folder which is why the Log Files aren't being created in here so you will need to grant Users Modify permission to write to this Folder and then log files should be created going forward.

sandermvanvliet commented 1 year ago

If you take the latest build from here that problem is resolved. It will always log to the app data folder.

sandermvanvliet commented 1 year ago

@iilis I'm leaving this open until you can confirm it works for you 👍

iilis commented 1 year ago

Thanks. Will try to get to it this weekend. Tour de Zwift running this week so planning to do those event rides this week.

iilis commented 1 year ago

Using the build, I tested the volcano climb as part of a route and everything worked well! Thanks for all the work you put into this!

I know it may have seemed like I was only focusing on this piece but that was because: everything else is working pretty well and I figured you could reuse the code solution in other areas in Zwift where this happens (roads over/under other roads: New York and new area of Makuri Islands).

If you’re interested, here are the route and log files: TitanVsDragon.json.txt roadcaptain-runner-log-2023-01-12T202220.log Log_2023-01-12.txt

sandermvanvliet commented 1 year ago

Thank you 👍

No worries about focusing on this, it was literally bugging you and I just want stuff to work properly. Without people testing and providing feedback I’d never know if things work 🙂