sandhyaa7 / RecipeLibrary

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Self-evaluation #3

Open sandhyaa7 opened 2 years ago

sandhyaa7 commented 2 years ago

@pawaitemadisoncollege here is my self-evaluation version 1.

Ent Java Self-Evaluation

Criteria Not started or progressing yet Making progress Meets expectations Exemplary
Explanation of scale Not enough information is present in the work to determine whether there is understanding of the concepts. This might mean we haven't covered the topic yet, work is incomplete, or work contains too many issues to justify correcting each one. Partial understanding of the concepts is evident, but some significant gaps remain. Needs more work. Understanding of the concepts is evident through correct work, and clear documentation. Some revision or expansion might be needed, but no significant gaps or errors are present. Work meets or exeeds the expectations. A high level of proficiency with the concepts is evident. Work could be used as a classroom example.
Industry best practices *
Documentation *
Build and Deploy *
Unit Testing *
Security - Authentication/Authorization *
Logging Framework *
Produce Web Services *
Consume Web Services *
Git and GitHub *
Asynchronous messaging *
Object relational mapping - JPA/Hibernate *
Patterns such as Data Access Objects (DAO) *
Debug and troubleshoot independently *
Learning process reflection and improvement *
Collaboration/Teamwork *
Feedback - giving and receiving *
Other? Is anything missing? *
pawaitemadisoncollege commented 2 years ago

Hi @sandhyaa7. This is a good start at your self-evaluations. The next step is to add some detail in place of the * to demonstrate how you know you are at a given level, and what you are planning to work on to move to the next level. Following are a few ideas for some of the categories that might help you identify some examples of your level of proficiency:

Industry Best Practices in addition to the new tech this semester:

Build and Deploy

Producing Web Services

Git and GitHub


Feedback -- another opportunity is providing feedback on the professional development presentations