sandialabs / Albany

Sandia National Laboratories' Albany multiphysics code
273 stars 90 forks source link

28 - MPNIQuad2D_Tpetra (Failed) #4

Closed nschloe closed 8 years ago

nschloe commented 9 years ago

After a clean Albany build, test 28 fails:

99% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 119

Total Test time (real) = 2410.31 sec

The following tests FAILED:
     28 - MPNIQuad2D_Tpetra (Failed)
Errors while running CTest

In more detail:

UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/home/nschloe/software/albany/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/home/nschloe/software/albany/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Test project /home/nschloe/software/albany/build
Constructing a list of tests
Done constructing a list of tests
Checking test dependency graph...
Checking test dependency graph end
test 28
    Start 28: MPNIQuad2D_Tpetra

28: Test command: /usr/bin/mpiexec "-np" "4" "/home/nschloe/software/albany/build/src/AlbanyT" "inputT.xml"
28: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
28: Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::GlobalMPISession(): started processor with name wind and rank 1!
28: Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::GlobalMPISession(): started processor with name wind and rank 0!
28: Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::GlobalMPISession(): started processor with name wind and rank 2!
28: Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::GlobalMPISession(): started processor with name wind and rank 3!
28: TmplSTKMeshStruct:: Creating 2D mesh of size 20x20 elements and scaled to 1x1
28: Heat Problem Num MeshSpecs: 1
28: Heat Problem Num MeshSpecs: 1
28: Heat Problem Num MeshSpecs: 1
28: Heat Problem Num MeshSpecs: 1
28: Field Dimensions: Workset=50, Vertices= 4, Nodes= 4, QuadPts= 4, Dim= 2
28: Field Dimensions: Workset=50, Vertices= 4, Nodes= 4, QuadPts= 4, Dim= 2
28: Field Dimensions: Workset=50, Vertices= 4, Nodes= 4, QuadPts= 4, Dim= 2
28: Field Dimensions: Workset=50, Vertices= 4, Nodes= 4, QuadPts= 4, Dim= 2
28: Field Dimensions: Workset=50, Vertices= 4, Nodes= 4, QuadPts= 4, Dim= 2
28: Field Dimensions: Workset=50, Vertices= 4, Nodes= 4, QuadPts= 4, Dim= 2
28: Field Dimensions: Workset=50, Vertices= 4, Nodes= 4, QuadPts= 4, Dim= 2
28: Field Dimensions: Workset=50, Vertices= 4, Nodes= 4, QuadPts= 4, Dim= 2
28: STKDisc: 100 elements on Proc 0 
28: STKDisc: nodeset NodeSet0 has size 6  on Proc 0.
28: STKDisc: nodeset NodeSet1 has size 6  on Proc 0.
28: STKDisc: nodeset NodeSet2 has size 21  on Proc 0.
28: STKDisc: nodeset NodeSet3 has size 0  on Proc 0.
28: STKDisc: nodeset NodeSet99 has size 1  on Proc 0.
28: STKDisc: sideset SideSet0 has size 5  on Proc 0.
28: STKDisc: sideset SideSet1 has size 5  on Proc 0.
28: STKDisc: sideset SideSet2 has size 20  on Proc 0.
28: STKDisc: sideset SideSet3 has size 0  on Proc 0.
28: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
28:  Sacado ParameterLibrary has been initialized:
28:  Library of all registered parameters:
28:     DBC on NS NodeSet0 for DOF T:  Supports AD = 1, Supports_Analytic = 0
28:     DBC on NS NodeSet1 for DOF T:  Supports AD = 1, Supports_Analytic = 0
28:     DBC on NS NodeSet2 for DOF T:  Supports AD = 1, Supports_Analytic = 0
28:     DBC on NS NodeSet3 for DOF T:  Supports AD = 1, Supports_Analytic = 0
28:     Quadratic Nonlinear Factor:  Supports AD = 1, Supports_Analytic = 0
28:     Thermal Conductivity KL Random Variable 0:  Supports AD = 1, Supports_Analytic = 0
28:     Thermal Conductivity KL Random Variable 1:  Supports AD = 1, Supports_Analytic = 0
28: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
28: Number of parameter vectors  = 1
28: Number of parameters in parameter vector 0 = 2
28: Number of distributed parameters vectors  = 0
28: Number of response vectors  = 1
28: ************************************************************************
28: -- Status Test Results --
28: **...........OR Combination -> 
28:   **...........AND Combination -> 
28:     **...........F-Norm = 4.850e-01 < 1.000e-08
28:                  (Length-Scaled Two-Norm, Absolute Tolerance)
28:     ??...........WRMS-Norm = 1.000e+12 < 1
28:   **...........Number of Iterations = 0 < 10
28: ************************************************************************
28: ************************************************************************
28: -- Nonlinear Solver Step 0 -- 
28: ||F|| = 1.019e+01  step = 0.000e+00  dx = 0.000e+00
28: ************************************************************************
28: ******* WARNING *******
28: MueLu::AmesosSmoother: "Amesos-klu" is not available. Using "Klu" instead
28: multigrid algorithm = sa
28: smoother: type = MueLu symmetric Gauss-Seidel
28: smoother: pre or post = both
28: coarse: type = Amesos-KLU
28: number of equations = 1
28: coarse: max size = 2000   [default]
28: max levels = 10   [default]
28: Clearing old data (if any)
28: ******* WARNING *******
28: Hierarchy::ReplaceCoordinateMap: matrix and coordinates maps are same, skipping...
28: Using default factory (MueLu::AmalgamationFactory) for building 'UnAmalgamationInfo'.
28: Level 0
28:  Max coarse size (<= 2000) achieved
28: p=0: *** Caught standard std::exception of type 'MueLu::Exceptions::RuntimeError' :
28:  /home/nschloe/software/trilinos/privateTrilinos/packages/muelu/src/Smoothers/MueLu_DirectSolver_def.hpp:146:
28:  Throw number = 3
28:  Throw test that evaluated to true: true
28:  Direct solver for Tpetra was not constructed
28:      during request for data "    PreSmoother" on level 0 by factory NoFactory
28: p=1: *** Caught standard std::exception of type 'MueLu::Exceptions::RuntimeError' :
28:  /home/nschloe/software/trilinos/privateTrilinos/packages/muelu/src/Smoothers/MueLu_DirectSolver_def.hpp:146:
28:  Throw number = 3
28:  Throw test that evaluated to true: true
28:  Direct solver for Tpetra was not constructed
28:      during request for data "    PreSmoother" on level 0 by factory NoFactory
28: p=2: *** Caught standard std::exception of type 'MueLu::Exceptions::RuntimeError' :
28:  /home/nschloe/software/trilinos/privateTrilinos/packages/muelu/src/Smoothers/MueLu_DirectSolver_def.hpp:146:
28:  Throw number = 3
28:  Throw test that evaluated to true: true
28:  Direct solver for Tpetra was not constructed
28:      during request for data "    PreSmoother" on level 0 by factory NoFactory
28: p=3: *** Caught standard std::exception of type 'MueLu::Exceptions::RuntimeError' :
28:  /home/nschloe/software/trilinos/privateTrilinos/packages/muelu/src/Smoothers/MueLu_DirectSolver_def.hpp:146:
28:  Throw number = 3
28:  Throw test that evaluated to true: true
28:  Direct solver for Tpetra was not constructed
28:      during request for data "    PreSmoother" on level 0 by factory NoFactory
28: =================================================================================================================================================
28:                                                       TimeMonitor results over 4 processors
28: Timer Name                                                              MinOverProcs     MeanOverProcs    MaxOverProcs     MeanOverCallCounts    
28: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28: > Albany Fill: Jacobian                                                 0.01765 (1)      0.01767 (1)      0.01768 (1)      0.01767 (1)           
28: > Albany Fill: Jacobian Export                                          0.001342 (1)     0.001653 (1)     0.001796 (1)     0.001653 (1)          
28: > Albany Fill: Residual                                                 0.007272 (1)     0.007329 (1)     0.00739 (1)      0.007329 (1)          
28: Albany: ***Total Time***                                                0.2639 (1)       0.264 (1)        0.264 (1)        0.264 (1)             
28: Albany: **Total Fill Time**                                             0.02518 (2)      0.02523 (2)      0.02528 (2)      0.01262 (2)           
28: Albany: Setup Time                                                      0.1873 (1)       0.1874 (1)       0.1875 (1)       0.1874 (1)            
28: MueLu: Hierarchy: Setup (total)                                         0.002472 (1)     0.002576 (1)     0.002733 (1)     0.002576 (1)          
28: MueLu: Hierarchy: Setup (total, level=0)                                0.002424 (1)     0.002528 (1)     0.002683 (1)     0.002528 (1)          
28: NOX Total Preconditioner Construction                                   0.03764 (1)      0.03766 (1)      0.03768 (1)      0.03766 (1)           
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 0: Gather Solution<Residual>                         9.608e-05 (2)    9.698e-05 (2)    9.894e-05 (2)    4.849e-05 (2)         
28: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 10: HeatEqResid                                      0.0006161 (2)    0.0006354 (2)    0.0006518 (2)    0.0003177 (2)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 11: Gather Solution<Jacobian>                        0.000526 (2)     0.0005313 (2)    0.0005381 (2)    0.0002657 (2)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 12: Scatter<Jacobian>                                0.001784 (2)     0.001794 (2)     0.001812 (2)     0.000897 (2)          
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 13: Gather Coordinate Vector                         5.627e-05 (2)    5.99e-05 (2)     6.509e-05 (2)    2.995e-05 (2)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 14: MapToPhysicalFrame                               0.0003619 (2)    0.0003652 (2)    0.0003719 (2)    0.0001826 (2)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 15: ComputeBasisFunctions<Jacobian>                  0.002013 (2)     0.002025 (2)     0.002034 (2)     0.001012 (2)          
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 16: DOFInterpolation Jacobian                        0.0007648 (2)    0.0007775 (2)    0.0007868 (2)    0.0003887 (2)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 17: DOFInterpolation Jacobian                        0.0007839 (2)    0.0007962 (2)    0.0008049 (2)    0.0003981 (2)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 18: DOFGradInterpolation Jacobian                    0.001594 (2)     0.001629 (2)     0.001671 (2)     0.0008146 (2)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 19: Thermal Conductivity                             0.0006123 (2)    0.0006338 (2)    0.000653 (2)     0.0003169 (2)         
28: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 1: Scatter<Residual>                                 4.792e-05 (2)    4.846e-05 (2)    4.911e-05 (2)    2.423e-05 (2)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 20: QuadraticSource                                  0.0004139 (2)    0.0004179 (2)    0.0004249 (2)    0.000209 (2)          
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 21: HeatEqResid                                      0.004164 (2)     0.004187 (2)     0.004231 (2)     0.002094 (2)          
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 2: Gather Coordinate Vector                          7.2e-05 (2)      7.355e-05 (2)    7.701e-05 (2)    3.678e-05 (2)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 3: MapToPhysicalFrame                                0.0003679 (2)    0.000375 (2)     0.0003872 (2)    0.0001875 (2)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 44: DBC on NS NodeSet0 for DOF T                     3.719e-05 (1)    3.862e-05 (1)    4.101e-05 (1)    3.862e-05 (1)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 45: DBC on NS NodeSet0 for DOF T                     7.796e-05 (1)    8.279e-05 (1)    9.203e-05 (1)    8.279e-05 (1)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 48: DBC on NS NodeSet1 for DOF T                     7.868e-06 (1)    8.225e-06 (1)    8.821e-06 (1)    8.225e-06 (1)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 49: DBC on NS NodeSet1 for DOF T                     5.698e-05 (1)    5.949e-05 (1)    6.7e-05 (1)      5.949e-05 (1)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 4: ComputeBasisFunctions<Residual>                   0.002193 (2)     0.002223 (2)     0.002243 (2)     0.001112 (2)          
28: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 52: DBC on NS NodeSet2 for DOF T                     5.96e-06 (1)     6.258e-06 (1)    6.914e-06 (1)    6.258e-06 (1)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 53: DBC on NS NodeSet2 for DOF T                     5.007e-06 (1)    5.507e-05 (1)    0.0002031 (1)    5.507e-05 (1)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 56: DBC on NS NodeSet3 for DOF T                     5.007e-06 (1)    5.722e-06 (1)    6.914e-06 (1)    5.722e-06 (1)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 57: DBC on NS NodeSet3 for DOF T                     4.053e-06 (1)    5.531e-05 (1)    0.0002081 (1)    5.531e-05 (1)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 5: DOFInterpolation                                  0.0001428 (2)    0.0001435 (2)    0.000144 (2)     7.173e-05 (2)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 60: Dirichlet Aggregator                             0 (1)            7.153e-07 (1)    9.537e-07 (1)    7.153e-07 (1)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 61: Dirichlet Aggregator                             0 (1)            2.384e-07 (1)    9.537e-07 (1)    2.384e-07 (1)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 6: DOFInterpolation                                  0.0001409 (2)    0.0001413 (2)    0.0001421 (2)    7.066e-05 (2)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 7: DOFGradInterpolation                              0.000294 (2)     0.0002961 (2)    0.0002978 (2)    0.0001481 (2)         
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 8: Thermal Conductivity                              0.0003879 (2)    0.0003957 (2)    0.0004091 (2)    0.0001979 (2)         
28: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28: Phalanx: Evaluator 9: QuadraticSource                                   3.505e-05 (2)    3.505e-05 (2)    3.505e-05 (2)    1.752e-05 (2)         
28: Thyra::DefaultModelEvaluatorWithSolveFactory<double>::evalModel(...)    0.02554 (2)      0.02559 (2)      0.02563 (2)      0.01279 (2)           
28: Thyra::NOXNonlinearSolver::solve                                        0.0676 (1)       0.06766 (1)      0.0677 (1)       0.06766 (1)           
28: =================================================================================================================================================
28: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
28: mpiexec noticed that the job aborted, but has no info as to the process
28: that caused that situation.
28: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1/1 Test #28: MPNIQuad2D_Tpetra ................***Failed    2.79 sec

0% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 1

Total Test time (real) =   2.80 sec

The following tests FAILED:
     28 - MPNIQuad2D_Tpetra (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
etphipp commented 9 years ago

That exception means MueLu was not configured with any direct solver for Tpetra. The fix is to enable Amesos2/KLU or Amesos2/Basker in your Trilinos configure. The test xml file should also be updated to use Amesos2 instead of Amesos.


From: Nico Schlömer<> Reply-To: gahansen/Albany<> Date: Sunday, April 12, 2015 at 9:22 AM To: gahansen/Albany<> Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Albany] 28 - MPNIQuad2D_Tpetra (Failed) (#4)

After a clean Albany build, test 28 fails:

[...] 99% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 119

Total Test time (real) = 2410.31 sec

The following tests FAILED: 28 - MPNIQuad2D_Tpetra (Failed) Errors while running CTest

In more detail:

UpdateCTestConfiguration from :/home/nschloe/software/albany/build/DartConfiguration.tcl UpdateCTestConfiguration from :/home/nschloe/software/albany/build/DartConfiguration.tcl Test project /home/nschloe/software/albany/build Constructing a list of tests Done constructing a list of tests Checking test dependency graph... Checking test dependency graph end test 28 Start 28: MPNIQuad2D_Tpetra

28: Test command: /usr/bin/mpiexec "-np" "4" "/home/nschloe/software/albany/build/src/AlbanyT" "inputT.xml" 28: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06 28: Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::GlobalMPISession(): started processor with name wind and rank 1! 28: Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::GlobalMPISession(): started processor with name wind and rank 0! 28: Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::GlobalMPISession(): started processor with name wind and rank 2! 28: Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::GlobalMPISession(): started processor with name wind and rank 3! 28: TmplSTKMeshStruct:: Creating 2D mesh of size 20x20 elements and scaled to 1x1 28: Heat Problem Num MeshSpecs: 1 28: Heat Problem Num MeshSpecs: 1 28: Heat Problem Num MeshSpecs: 1 28: Heat Problem Num MeshSpecs: 1 28: Field Dimensions: Workset=50, Vertices= 4, Nodes= 4, QuadPts= 4, Dim= 2 28: Field Dimensions: Workset=50, Vertices= 4, Nodes= 4, QuadPts= 4, Dim= 2 28: Field Dimensions: Workset=50, Vertices= 4, Nodes= 4, QuadPts= 4, Dim= 2 28: Field Dimensions: Workset=50, Vertices= 4, Nodes= 4, QuadPts= 4, Dim= 2 28: Field Dimensions: Workset=50, Vertices= 4, Nodes= 4, QuadPts= 4, Dim= 2 28: Field Dimensions: Workset=50, Vertices= 4, Nodes= 4, QuadPts= 4, Dim= 2 28: Field Dimensions: Workset=50, Vertices= 4, Nodes= 4, QuadPts= 4, Dim= 2 28: Field Dimensions: Workset=50, Vertices= 4, Nodes= 4, QuadPts= 4, Dim= 2 28: STKDisc: 100 elements on Proc 0 28: STKDisc: nodeset NodeSet0 has size 6 on Proc 0. 28: STKDisc: nodeset NodeSet1 has size 6 on Proc 0. 28: STKDisc: nodeset NodeSet2 has size 21 on Proc 0. 28: STKDisc: nodeset NodeSet3 has size 0 on Proc 0. 28: STKDisc: nodeset NodeSet99 has size 1 on Proc 0. 28: STKDisc: sideset SideSet0 has size 5 on Proc 0. 28: STKDisc: sideset SideSet1 has size 5 on Proc 0. 28: STKDisc: sideset SideSet2 has size 20 on Proc 0. 28: STKDisc: sideset SideSet3 has size 0 on Proc 0. 28: 28: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 28: Sacado ParameterLibrary has been initialized: 28: Library of all registered parameters: 28: DBC on NS NodeSet0 for DOF T: Supports AD = 1, Supports_Analytic = 0 28: DBC on NS NodeSet1 for DOF T: Supports AD = 1, Supports_Analytic = 0 28: DBC on NS NodeSet2 for DOF T: Supports AD = 1, Supports_Analytic = 0 28: DBC on NS NodeSet3 for DOF T: Supports AD = 1, Supports_Analytic = 0 28: Quadratic Nonlinear Factor: Supports AD = 1, Supports_Analytic = 0 28: Thermal Conductivity KL Random Variable 0: Supports AD = 1, Supports_Analytic = 0 28: Thermal Conductivity KL Random Variable 1: Supports AD = 1, SupportsAnalytic = 0 28: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 28: 28: Number of parameter vectors = 1 28: Number of parameters in parameter vector 0 = 2 28: Number of distributed parameters vectors = 0 28: Number of response vectors = 1 28: **** 28: -- Status Test Results -- 28: *...........OR Combination -> 28: ...........AND Combination -> 28: _...........F-Norm = 4.850e-01 < 1.000e-08 28: (Length-Scaled Two-Norm, Absolute Tolerance) 28: ??...........WRMS-Norm = 1.000e+12 < 1 28: ...........Number of Iterations = 0 < 10 28: *** 28: 28: **** 28: -- Nonlinear Solver Step 0 -- 28: ||F|| = 1.019e+01 step = 0.000e+00 dx = 0.000e+00 28: **** 28: 28: 28: *** WARNING * 28: MueLu::AmesosSmoother: "Amesos-klu" is not available. Using "Klu" instead 28: multigrid algorithm = sa 28: smoother: type = MueLu symmetric Gauss-Seidel 28: smoother: pre or post = both 28: coarse: type = Amesos-KLU 28: number of equations = 1 28: coarse: max size = 2000 [default] 28: max levels = 10 [default] 28: 28: Clearing old data (if any) 28: 28: *** WARNING *** 28: Hierarchy::ReplaceCoordinateMap: matrix and coordinates maps are same, skipping... 28: Using default factory (MueLu::AmalgamationFactory) for building 'UnAmalgamationInfo'. 28: Level 0 28: Max coarse size (<= 2000) achieved 28: 28: p=0: *\ Caught standard std::exception of type 'MueLu::Exceptions::RuntimeError' : 28: 28: /home/nschloe/software/trilinos/privateTrilinos/packages/muelu/src/Smoothers/MueLu_DirectSolver_def.hpp:146: 28: 28: Throw number = 3 28: 28: Throw test that evaluated to true: true 28: 28: Direct solver for Tpetra was not constructed 28: during request for data " PreSmoother" on level 0 by factory NoFactory 28: 28: p=1: * Caught standard std::exception of type 'MueLu::Exceptions::RuntimeError' : 28: 28: /home/nschloe/software/trilinos/privateTrilinos/packages/muelu/src/Smoothers/MueLu_DirectSolver_def.hpp:146: 28: 28: Throw number = 3 28: 28: Throw test that evaluated to true: true 28: 28: Direct solver for Tpetra was not constructed 28: during request for data " PreSmoother" on level 0 by factory NoFactory 28: 28: p=2: * Caught standard std::exception of type 'MueLu::Exceptions::RuntimeError' : 28: 28: /home/nschloe/software/trilinos/privateTrilinos/packages/muelu/src/Smoothers/MueLu_DirectSolver_def.hpp:146: 28: 28: Throw number = 3 28: 28: Throw test that evaluated to true: true 28: 28: Direct solver for Tpetra was not constructed 28: during request for data " PreSmoother" on level 0 by factory NoFactory 28: 28: p=3: * Caught standard std::exception of type 'MueLu::Exceptions::RuntimeError' : 28: 28: /home/nschloe/software/trilinos/privateTrilinos/packages/muelu/src/Smoothers/MueLu_DirectSolver_def.hpp:146: 28: 28: Throw number = 3 28: 28: Throw test that evaluated to true: true 28: 28: Direct solver for Tpetra was not constructed 28: during request for data " PreSmoother" on level 0 by factory NoFactory 28: ================================================================================================================================================= 28: 28: TimeMonitor results over 4 processors 28: 28: Timer Name MinOverProcs MeanOverProcs MaxOverProcs MeanOverCallCounts 28: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28: > Albany Fill: Jacobian 0.01765 (1) 0.01767 (1) 0.01768 (1) 0.01767 (1) 28: > Albany Fill: Jacobian Export 0.001342 (1) 0.001653 (1) 0.001796 (1) 0.001653 (1) 28: > Albany Fill: Residual 0.007272 (1) 0.007329 (1) 0.00739 (1) 0.007329 (1) 28: Albany: _Total Time_ 0.2639 (1) 0.264 (1) 0.264 (1) 0.264 (1) 28: Albany: Total Fill Time 0.02518 (2) 0.02523 (2) 0.02528 (2) 0.01262 (2) 28: Albany: Setup Time 0.1873 (1) 0.1874 (1) 0.1875 (1) 0.1874 (1) 28: MueLu: Hierarchy: Setup (total) 0.002472 (1) 0.002576 (1) 0.002733 (1) 0.002576 (1) 28: MueLu: Hierarchy: Setup (total, level=0) 0.002424 (1) 0.002528 (1) 0.002683 (1) 0.002528 (1) 28: NOX Total Preconditioner Construction 0.03764 (1) 0.03766 (1) 0.03768 (1) 0.03766 (1) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 0: Gather Solution 9.608e-05 (2) 9.698e-05 (2) 9.894e-05 (2) 4.849e-05 (2) 28: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 10: HeatEqResid 0.0006161 (2) 0.0006354 (2) 0.0006518 (2) 0.0003177 (2) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 11: Gather Solution 0.000526 (2) 0.0005313 (2) 0.0005381 (2) 0.0002657 (2) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 12: Scatter 0.001784 (2) 0.001794 (2) 0.001812 (2) 0.000897 (2) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 13: Gather Coordinate Vector 5.627e-05 (2) 5.99e-05 (2) 6.509e-05 (2) 2.995e-05 (2) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 14: MapToPhysicalFrame 0.0003619 (2) 0.0003652 (2) 0.0003719 (2) 0.0001826 (2) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 15: ComputeBasisFunctions 0.002013 (2) 0.002025 (2) 0.002034 (2) 0.001012 (2) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 16: DOFInterpolation Jacobian 0.0007648 (2) 0.0007775 (2) 0.0007868 (2) 0.0003887 (2) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 17: DOFInterpolation Jacobian 0.0007839 (2) 0.0007962 (2) 0.0008049 (2) 0.0003981 (2) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 18: DOFGradInterpolation Jacobian 0.001594 (2) 0.001629 (2) 0.001671 (2) 0.0008146 (2) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 19: Thermal Conductivity 0.0006123 (2) 0.0006338 (2) 0.000653 (2) 0.0003169 (2) 28: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 1: Scatter 4.792e-05 (2) 4.846e-05 (2) 4.911e-05 (2) 2.423e-05 (2) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 20: QuadraticSource 0.0004139 (2) 0.0004179 (2) 0.0004249 (2) 0.000209 (2) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 21: HeatEqResid 0.004164 (2) 0.004187 (2) 0.004231 (2) 0.002094 (2) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 2: Gather Coordinate Vector 7.2e-05 (2) 7.355e-05 (2) 7.701e-05 (2) 3.678e-05 (2) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 3: MapToPhysicalFrame 0.0003679 (2) 0.000375 (2) 0.0003872 (2) 0.0001875 (2) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 44: DBC on NS NodeSet0 for DOF T 3.719e-05 (1) 3.862e-05 (1) 4.101e-05 (1) 3.862e-05 (1) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 45: DBC on NS NodeSet0 for DOF T 7.796e-05 (1) 8.279e-05 (1) 9.203e-05 (1) 8.279e-05 (1) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 48: DBC on NS NodeSet1 for DOF T 7.868e-06 (1) 8.225e-06 (1) 8.821e-06 (1) 8.225e-06 (1) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 49: DBC on NS NodeSet1 for DOF T 5.698e-05 (1) 5.949e-05 (1) 6.7e-05 (1) 5.949e-05 (1) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 4: ComputeBasisFunctions 0.002193 (2) 0.002223 (2) 0.002243 (2) 0.001112 (2) 28: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 52: DBC on NS NodeSet2 for DOF T 5.96e-06 (1) 6.258e-06 (1) 6.914e-06 (1) 6.258e-06 (1) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 53: DBC on NS NodeSet2 for DOF T 5.007e-06 (1) 5.507e-05 (1) 0.0002031 (1) 5.507e-05 (1) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 56: DBC on NS NodeSet3 for DOF T 5.007e-06 (1) 5.722e-06 (1) 6.914e-06 (1) 5.722e-06 (1) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 57: DBC on NS NodeSet3 for DOF T 4.053e-06 (1) 5.531e-05 (1) 0.0002081 (1) 5.531e-05 (1) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 5: DOFInterpolation 0.0001428 (2) 0.0001435 (2) 0.000144 (2) 7.173e-05 (2) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 60: Dirichlet Aggregator 0 (1) 7.153e-07 (1) 9.537e-07 (1) 7.153e-07 (1) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 61: Dirichlet Aggregator 0 (1) 2.384e-07 (1) 9.537e-07 (1) 2.384e-07 (1) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 6: DOFInterpolation 0.0001409 (2) 0.0001413 (2) 0.0001421 (2) 7.066e-05 (2) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 7: DOFGradInterpolation 0.000294 (2) 0.0002961 (2) 0.0002978 (2) 0.0001481 (2) 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 8: Thermal Conductivity 0.0003879 (2) 0.0003957 (2) 0.0004091 (2) 0.0001979 (2) 28: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28: Phalanx: Evaluator 9: QuadraticSource 3.505e-05 (2) 3.505e-05 (2) 3.505e-05 (2) 1.752e-05 (2) 28: Thyra::DefaultModelEvaluatorWithSolveFactory::evalModel(...) 0.02554 (2) 0.02559 (2) 0.02563 (2) 0.01279 (2) 28: Thyra::NOXNonlinearSolver::solve 0.0676 (1) 0.06766 (1) 0.0677 (1) 0.06766 (1) 28: ================================================================================================================================================= 28: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28: mpiexec noticed that the job aborted, but has no info as to the process 28: that caused that situation. 28: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/1 Test #28: MPNIQuad2D_Tpetra ................***Failed 2.79 sec

0% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 1

Total Test time (real) = 2.80 sec

The following tests FAILED: 28 - MPNIQuad2D_Tpetra (Failed) Errors while running CTest

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nschloe commented 9 years ago

Shouldn't this be intercepted at Albany configure time?

ambrad commented 9 years ago

Yes, definitely. I need to rework some of the config stuff in Albany for detecting MueLu, whether at least one of SuperLU, Basker, and KLU(2) are enabled, and en/disabling some tests based on these findings. Some of this is already done, but some of it is out of date. Sorry you got a ctest failure from this.

On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 9:05 AM, Nico Schlömer wrote:

Shouldn't this be intercepted at configure time?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

gahansen commented 8 years ago

Hi Nico,

Doing a little cleanup here - is there anything outstanding with this issue or can I close it?


nschloe commented 8 years ago

Probably @ambrad can answer that.

ambrad commented 8 years ago

It's fine to close. KLU2 is enabled by default now, so there should always be a direct solver available to MueLu.