CACTUS (Code for Axial and Cross-flow TUrbine Simulation) is a turbine performance simulation code, based on a free wake vortex method, to study wind turbines and marine hydrokinetic (MHK) devices.
The code doesn't compile nicely with PGI Fortran. There are some problems with lines that exceed the maximum allowable length (264 chars). In addition, the PGI Fortran Makefile isn't MPI-enabled, nor does it generate the Git version -DVERSION variable.
Issue by whophil Wednesday Sep 09, 2015 at 15:54 GMT Originally opened as
The code doesn't compile nicely with PGI Fortran. There are some problems with lines that exceed the maximum allowable length (264 chars). In addition, the PGI Fortran Makefile isn't MPI-enabled, nor does it generate the Git version -DVERSION variable.