sandialabs / SNL-Delft3D-CEC

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Use releases to store binaries, rather than source code #3

Closed H0R5E closed 1 year ago

H0R5E commented 2 years ago

I'd like to suggest that the binaries provided in this repo are stored as releases, rather than within the source code.

The main reason for this is that updating the binaries will increase the size of the repo history significantly, when there is no real need to. Another advantage of storing the binaries in a release is that the number of downloads of those binaries can also be tracked (through the GitHub API).

I'm happy to do a release after PR #2 is merged, if that's helpful.

Note that some of the documentation would also require updating, as it points to the source code, but this should probably happen anyway, as the original binaries are too old to work with the Delft3D 4 GUI now.