sandialabs / SNL-Delft3D-CEC

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Try installation SNL on Delft3D 4.04.01 #4

Open doroteo4 opened 2 years ago

doroteo4 commented 2 years ago


I have some doubts when installing the SNL-Delft3D-CEC plugin. First the folder you download from the Delft3D site is win32. On the other hand, the version of Delft3D with work is 4.04.01, in this version there is no win32 folder, there is a folder called x64, which contains some files similar to win32, however, checking the size of those files, they are smaller than x64. I have doubts about it,

1.Could you install those win32 files in the x64 folder without any errors?

2.What alternatives to running SNL on Delft3D would I have?

Thanks a lot