Hi! Thanks for the help with the Tines PR. We are now working on finishing our TChem integration into to our software ABLATE to compute/integrate chemical reaction source terms for our compressible flow solver. There were a few things in TChem that we found that prevented us from using the main repo and I hoping to work on integrating them back to the main repo. This PR:
allows Tines to be included as a subproject in another project so that FetchContent_Declare/FetchContent_MakeAvailable can be used to automatically build TChem
We are using TChem in our mpi based flow solver which resulted with TChem trying to write to the same file from thousands of processors. To get around this we first had each processor load TChem sequentially, but this slowed down our start up by a lot. In this PR I changed the yaml init called to take an echo stream so that a program using this library can direct where the output goes. If no stream is provided it assumes the same default behavior.
When the PLOG expressions results in an invalid value, it sets it to zero and gives a warning. This allows for our CFD code to try again with a smaller tilmestep.
Removes the requirement that the species in phases:species be in the same order as species in the yaml file.
Please let me know if you have any questions or how I can change things to help get this integrated.
Hi! Thanks for the help with the Tines PR. We are now working on finishing our TChem integration into to our software ABLATE to compute/integrate chemical reaction source terms for our compressible flow solver. There were a few things in TChem that we found that prevented us from using the main repo and I hoping to work on integrating them back to the main repo. This PR:
Please let me know if you have any questions or how I can change things to help get this integrated.