sandialabs / TIGER

Target / Integrative Genetic Element Retriever: precisely maps IGEs (a defined type of genomic island) in bacterial and archaeal genomes; package also includes orthogonal program Islander
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run TIGER with preexisting gff file as input #7

Open alexweisberg opened 1 year ago

alexweisberg commented 1 year ago

TIGER is fantastic for identifying ICEs in my genome assemblies, thank you for developing it.

I was wondering if it would be possible to use a preexisting annotated genome as input rather than having TIGER run prokka on the fna file? I.e. use a gff or gbk file as input to TIGER rather than fna. This would save analysis time and also make it easier to relate integrase genes to specific locus tags etc.

My genome annotations are done with bakta (uses PRODIGAL) and/or prokka already anyway. Thanks!