sandialabs / pyGSTi

A python implementation of Gate Set Tomography
Apache License 2.0
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Unexpected file in test_packages #381

Closed coreyostrove closed 5 months ago

coreyostrove commented 7 months ago

This is primarily a question for @enielse. I'm working through some changes in test_packages and noticed an unexpected file in test_packages\drivers called This isn't a test module, but rather looks to me like it might be an early/outdated version of the cloud noise model code. I suspect this is probably from when you were originally testing that code and it probably slipped into a commit by accident, and therefore can be safely deleted. But I wanted to run that by you first before I did so. It might also be worth having you take a look to make sure there aren't any functions or code within that ought to be preserved before we remove it entirely. Thoughts?

enielse commented 7 months ago

This looks fine to remove to me. The code in has been incorporated into pygsti proper. I believe earlier on this file was used by the unit tests but since adding functionality to the cloud crosstalk models this is no longer needed.

sserita commented 7 months ago

Thanks @enielse! I've removed this file in my bugfix-release- branch which I plan to use as a catchall for several of the smaller bugfixes for the next release.