sandialabs / pyGSTi

A python implementation of Gate Set Tomography
Apache License 2.0
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Check if outcome_labels is of type numbers.Integral instead of np.int64 #409

Closed OliverGorman closed 3 months ago

OliverGorman commented 3 months ago constructor has the outcome_labels argument which may be a list or int according to the docstring. However, passing a Python int did not work as the isinstance check was using np.int64. This pull request generalises the check to also work with Python ints using the numbers standard library module.

>>> import numbers, numpy as np
>>> isinstance(1, np.int64)
>>> isinstance(1, int)
>>> isinstance(np.int64(1), int)
>>> isinstance(np.int64(1), numbers.Integral)
>>> isinstance(1, numbers.Integral)

... after writing this up I see that pull requests by authors outside of SNL cannot be merged. I'm more than happy for a maintainer to take this change and put it in under their name.

sserita commented 3 months ago

Hey Oliver, Thanks for the fix! If you think you will be making more contributions in the future, we can set you up with a contributor license agreement (CLA) which would allow us to accept your PRs. If not, I'll just make this bugfix independently. Please email us at for a CLA if you decide to go down that route.

sserita commented 3 months ago

Hi Oliver, Thanks again for your contribution! We've included an equivalent bugfix in ef9def6 that we think will be more cross-platform friendly, so I'm going to close this PR. Again, if you find yourself wanting to contribute in the future, please feel free to reach out for a CLA.