sandialabs / pyGSTi

A python implementation of Gate Set Tomography
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Removed commented-out function definitions #428

Open rileyjmurray opened 2 months ago

rileyjmurray commented 2 months ago

While on develop's latest commit I ran a search for "#def" and got 156 results in 82 files (excluding jupyter notebooks). This pattern just about always indicates that an entire function has been commented out. I suggest we remove these commented-out functions, with exceptions for specific functions as needed.

To implement this suggestion I'd just delete all the offending lines, open a new PR, and then get reviews from @sserita, @coreyostrove, and @enielse. How do folks feel about this?

sserita commented 2 months ago

I'm generally for this type of clean-up. We'll just have to be extra careful on the review of that PR to make sure we're not removing something we want. Even if its not currently in use, there's a chance something could be reference that we want to keep or functionality that we want to get back to implementing in the future.

BTW, If you are doing this, can you take care of #424 at the same time?

rileyjmurray commented 2 months ago

I'm all for being extra careful with the review. Yes, I'll include #424 in the PR when ready!