sandialabs / pyscan

Scientific Measurement Toolbox
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Saving too fast #194

Closed rsbrost closed 6 days ago

rsbrost commented 3 weeks ago

image I do not like this naming convention for this reason.

To me it is disorganized, confusing, and holds less meaningful data. I much prefer including fractional seconds. We can do this to 3 or 4 decimal places and have it function well based on the minimum time for the experiment's code and device communication; however, this is what I am implementing now as per Andy's request unless otherwise instructed.

Only doing either of these approaches when a duplicate file name is detected may have similar issue in how it is organized in the directory, searched for, and loaded. Not sure how to handle this if it is what we want to do.

rsbrost commented 3 weeks ago

Alternatively, using fractional seconds would look like this, be easier to load sequentially, and be in order by default: image

rsbrost commented 3 weeks ago

The change requested has been addressed; however, it is worth thinking about and deliberately choosing what we want provided the examples above. I have my opinion. What do you think?

rsbrost commented 3 weeks ago

Fixed 2 separate issues. One causing experiment names to overlap if run too fast. The optimal solution for this should be discussed. Two, sequential experiments would be prone to failing because in runinfo.measured was being appended with duplicates of the measured values.

These have since both been corrected and can be pulled; however, it is best to discuss which file naming convention is preferable.

rsbrost commented 1 week ago

These requested changes have been addressed.