sandialabs / wiretap

Wiretap is a transparent, VPN-like proxy server that tunnels traffic via WireGuard and requires no special privileges to run.
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Using the client as a "proxy" server #17

Closed luckyjumper closed 1 year ago

luckyjumper commented 1 year ago

So, how can I use the client as a "proxy" server to run tools locally according to this scheme: NAT Machine > Wiretap Client on VPS > Wiretap Server?

luker983 commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure I understand your setup. The "client" as referred to in the documentation is your local system running WireGuard with the output of the configure command.

If you want to proxy through a VPS and your client is NATed, you'll need to expose a port on the VPS and then run something like ./wiretap configure --endpoint <vps-ip>:51820 --outbound --routes <routes> to force your client to initiate the handshake.

If you want to then route through an additional node, after the first node is set up you can run something like ./wiretap add server --endpoint <vps-ip>:51820 --routes <routes> -s ::2.

If this isn't what you're looking for please provide more info about your setup